B IG I DEA - I DENTITY 1 Discover ones potential and self worth 2 Self worth boosts self esteem 3 To lead a productive and meaningful life 4 Discover ones passion and interest, hence infusing positive attitude and perception
E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS What are you good at? What defines you?What are your values and beliefs? What shapes who you are and what you want to be? What does it mean to lead a meaningful and productive life?
S UMMARY OF THE UNIT (KUD) Essential Question: What shapes who you are and what you want to be? KnowUnderstandDo What characterizes you? Factors : education, social and economic status, religion, family background, traditions, culture, language, lifestyle, values & principles How character plays a critical influence on goals, career choices and lifestyle Understand ones own personality, strengths & weakness Set goals and study/ work to achieve ones goals. Students have clearer sense of their self and what they want to be
LESSON PLAN Topic : Personal attributes and goal setting Objective of lesson: Develop a clearer sense of themselves and what they want to be Learning Activity: 1. Case study: Ask the students to develop a brief biography on the individual students role model/hero and make an assessment on what and how the characteristics of their role models/hero contributed to their achievements/ success/greatness. The students can adopt any method of research - internet, library, interview the actual person 2. Self reflection: Through mindfulness practice ask them to reflect on their own characteristics, what defines them and what shaped them as they are
I MPLEMENTATION PLAN How to implement Pilot Implementation to 3 TTIs TIAE, SIAE, KIEE. BISHT(Pvt.) When to Start? August 2013 New batch start Training the Trainer Immediately for BISHT How Long? 1 Week intensive for the first week 2-3hr per week there after
BIG IDEA: To make students realize that becoming a cook is great career and that they are crucial parts of the successful tourism Industry that contributes to the country economy. Also make them aware of the origins and ends of the food being used in order to make them mindful about the choice of food. Essential Questions: Why is cooking important? How can cooking become enjoyable? How can cooking contribute to promoting tourism and economy?
KNOWUNDERSTANDDO Food,Nutrition, Tourism Industry Why food is so important in our daily lives? Cooks play such an important role in the tourism industry? Analyze key players of the tourism Industry.Demonstrate steps involved in cooking mindfully Food Origins, Recipes, Portion control. Costing. Waste mgmt., Profits Where food comes from. Use of recipes Elements that effect costing Where the food being used ends up. Benefits of using local products and impact of that choice on the economy Estimate Costing of Food, pricing, Manage waste
L EARNING A CTIVITY I DEAS TO MAKE LESSON PLAN : Integrate into current classes by organize a cooking class encompassing all of KUD: Students get divided into groups of 4 and are each given one recipe each. Start the process by going and buying their own ingredients as opposed to being handed the ingredients. This will bring them to be aware of where the cooking ingredients come from and costs of those items. Educate them on the use of pesticides. See if they can tell the diff between products that have pesticides on them Prep the food them selves using the recipes given to them enabling them to understand recipes, portion control, cooking methods, storage of any excess food At the end of the class they are also made to clean up and segregate waste and also demonstrate compost the biodegradable waste Get the students to make a menu/recipe using only local organic foods