Vegetable Judging Quiz 2
The primary purpose of cultivation is to… Control insects Control weeds Create a food source Create a habitat for biological species
2. In gardens, it is suggested that the least practical weed control method is… Hand-pulling Hoeing Mechanical cultivation Chemical herbicides
3. The most dominant soil type for vegetable production in Florida is…. Sandy soils Clay soils Loam soils Hydroponically
4. One of the major problems with sandy soils is….. Leaching of nutrients Leaching of water Pesticide resistance TMDl
5. The key to proper use of organic materials as fertilizers comes through…. Water testing Chemical analysis Soil testing Knowledge of the nutrient content and the decomposition rate of the material
6. Decomposition rates of organic materials in warm sandy soils in Florida are … Slow Fast The same as clay soils Slower then clay soils but faster then loam soils
7. Usually application rates of organic wastes are determined largely by the… Nitrogen content Phosphorous content Potassium content Micronutrient content
8. The decision to the liquid or dry fertilizer sources should depend largely on…. Crop Cost of material and equipment Time of year Growing conditions
9. In some vegetable crops controlled-released fertilizers ________ production. Increases Decreases Doesn’t effect Provide potential problems for
10. Over fertilization or placement of fertilizer too close to the seed or the root leads to…. Soluble salt injury Nitrogen immunity Rapid green growth “Production stunt”
11. Fertigation is the process of… Applying pesticides along with fertilizers Applying insecticides to a plant Applying fertilizers to plants Applying fertilizers through irrigation tubes
12. What is the primary media used to grow plants by the hydroponics method… Sand Perlite Water Vermiculite
13. Application rate of fertilizer are determined by…. Time of year Time of day Crop growth Temperature
14. Quality seed includes all except the following traits… Good germination Rapid emergence Vigorous growth Economical
15. Unused seed is best stored… In a zip lock bag In high temperature areas In high humidity In a cold, dark environment
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16. Precision seeding is a term used to… Plant a seed and fertilizer at the same time Plant a seed at the correct soil moisture level Plant a seed at an exact plant spacing to achieve a uniform stand Analyze the amount of coating a seed has to prevent disease
17. A symptom of nematode damage is… Blackening of the stem Yellowing of leaves Blackening of the leaves Wilting of the blossoms
18. Nematodes causes production to… Increases Decrease Remain the same Devalue
19. A method of determining nematode infestation is by… Visual inspection Placing leaf samples in water and looking for floating nematodes Rubbing stem and looking for black substance on hand Root tissue samples
20. Soil solarization is… Used to magnify the suns temperature to increase soil temperature A nonchemical technique Works best in loamy to clay soils All of the above
21. Soil fumigants must be diffused through the soil as a … Gas Liquid Granule Pellet
22. Cooperatives provide services such as… Packing Marketing Bulk purchase of supplies All of the above
23. Operating costs do not include… Seed Fertilizer Insecticide Containers
24. Yield for vegetables crops is typically measured in… Pounds Tons Bushels Packs
25. IFAS stand for… Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences Internal Food and Agriculture Society Institute for Farmers and Scientists Incorporated Firms for the Advancement of Science.