Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape & Winter Wheat
Oilseed Rape Trials 2002-2003
Trial 340 Water Tower Field Winter oilseed rape cv Escort Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Final Seed Yield (t/ha and %) Soil sandy clay loam; Sow date 29 August 2002; Application date 26 November 2002 LSD (10%) = 0.378 t/ha (9.5%) - 114.1 - 108.1 Final Seed Yield (%) - 102.1 - 96.1 a* 100 a 102 a 99 b 114 - 90.0 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 10% probability level
Plot Greenness Score (0-9) Trial 340 Water Tower Field Winter oilseed rape cv Escort Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Plot Greenness Score (0-9) – 28 March 2003 - 8.5 11.4 LSD 5% - 7.8 Plot Greenness Score (0-9) - 7.2 - 6.5 a* 6.5 a 7.0 b 7.5 b 7.6 - 5.9 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
Trial 340 Winter Oilseed Rape cv Escort Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Percent Leaf Area Coverage – 28 March 2003 - 95.9 8.1 LSD 5% - 88.6 % Leaf Area Coverage - 81.2 - 73.8 a* 73.8 b 82.5 ab 80.0 c 86.3 - 66.4 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
Trial 340 Winter Oilseed Rape cv Escort Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Plot Vigour Score (0-9) – 28 March 2003 - 8.1 9.7 LSD 5% - 7.7 Plot Vigour Score (0-9) - 7.4 - 7.0 a* 7.0 a 7.3 a 7.3 a 7.5 - 6.7 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
Trial 340 Winter Oilseed Rape cv Escort Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Plot Height Score (0-9) – 28 March 2003 - 8.5 11.4 LSD 5% - 7.8 Plot Height Score (0-9) - 7.2 - 6.5 a* 6.5 a 7.0 c 7.8 c 7.9 - 5.9 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Untreated 1.0ltr PF883/ha 1.0ltr Oomph/ha
Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Agrii, Throws Farm 2012 MOIC £113 MOIC £94 MOIC calculations based on January 2013 OSR Price of £360 tonne Untreated Nutriphite PGA 0.8 14/11 fb 0.8 11/3 Oomph 1.0 14/11 fb 1.0 11/3
Benefits of Oomph in Oilseed Rape Agrii, Throws Farm 2012 Control Oomph
Winter Wheat Trials 2002-2013
YIELD (t/ha) Winter wheat & winter oilseed rape Oomph Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5%* or 10%** probability level
FINAL GRAIN YIELD (T/HA AND %) Trial 335 Albury End – Winter wheat cv Claire Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Sow date September 2002 Application date 11 November 2002 LSD (10%) = 0.350 t/ha - 102.0 - 99.8 Final Grain Yield (%) - 97.6 a* 100 a 100 a 99 a 101 - 95.4 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 10% probability level
PLOT VIGOUR SCORE (0-9) – 24 APRIL 2003 Trial 335 Albury End – Winter wheat cv Claire Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Early September drilled - 7.0 11.2 LSD 5% - 6.4 Plot Vigour Score (0-9) - 5.9 a* 5.6 a 6.0 ab 6.1 b 6.4 - 5.3 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
PLOT BIOMASS SCORE (0-9) – 24 APRIL 2003 Trial 335 Albury End – Winter wheat cv Claire Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Early September drilled - 7.0 11.4 LSD 5% - 6.4 Plot Biomass Score (0-9) - 5.9 a* 5.6 a 6.0 a 6.1 b 6.4 - 5.3 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
FINAL GRAIN YIELD (T/HA AND %) Trial 338 New Field – Winter wheat cv Consort Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Soil sandy clay loam; sow date 29 October 2002; Application Date 16 January 2003 - 105.3 0.348 LSD 10% - 103.0 Final Grain Yield (%) - 100.7 a* 100 a 99 a 100 b 105 - 98.3 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 10% probability level
Percent Leaf Area Coverage % PERCENT LEAF AREA COVERAGE – 28 MARCH 2003 Trial 338 New Field – Winter wheat cv Consort Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat November drilled - 63.8 - 59.5 16.2 LSD 5% - 55.3 Percent Leaf Area Coverage % - 51.0 - 46.8 - 42.5 a* 42.5 b 50.0 c 53.8 c 55.0 - 38.3 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
Plot Greenness Score (0-9) PLOT GREENNESS SCORE (0-9) – 28 MARCH 2003 Trial 338 New Field – Winter wheat cv Consort Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat November drilled - 8.0 16.8 LSD 5% - 7.4 - 6.9 Plot Greenness Score (0-9) - 6.4 - 5.8 - 5.3 a* 5.3 a 5.6 ab 6.1 b 6.5 - 4.8 1.0ltr Oomph/ha *Duncan’s Multiple Range Test: Mean values with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% probability level
Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Untreated 1.0ltr PF883/ha 1.0ltr Oomph/ha
Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Agrii, Throws Farm 2012 Yield t/ha MOIC £26 MOIC - £68 MOIC calculations based on January 2013 Feed Wheat Price of £210 tonne Untreated Nutriphite PGA 0.8 14/11 fb 0.8 11/3 Oomph 1.0 14/11 fb 1.0 11/3
Benefits of Oomph in Winter Wheat Agrii, Throws Farm 2012 MOIC £26 MOIC - £68 Oomph MOIC calculations based on January 2013 Feed Wheat Price of £210 tonne Control
Benefits of Oomph in Spring Barley Australia, Lake King 2012 MOIC £26 Oomph + K2 GS 14-30 Control K2 GS 12-14 MOIC - £68 K2 GS30 Oomph GS 12-14 MOIC calculations based on January 2013 Feed Wheat Price of £210 tonne
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