The Solar System by Austin Collett Can you guess the scene from the movie A: The death of Alderaan from star wars The Solar System by Austin Collett Space is awesome
Inner Planets Mercury-the surface looks gray and full of craters, very rough, clear, light, no moons Venus- the surface of Venus is red orange, rough, clear, light, no moons Earth- smooth, clear, light, blue green, 1 moon Mars- smooth, clear, light, red, 2moons
Outer planets Jupiter- smooth, gasses, cloudy, light, white red, 63 moons Saturn- smooth, gasses, cloudy, light, white, 53 moons, rings Uranus- blue, smooth, dark 27 moons, rings,dark Neptune- blue, gasses, smooth, 13 moons, dark
Earth’s(aka Tellus’) Surface Water 70% 5 oceans- Pacific - largest Arctic- smallest Indian Southern Atlantic Seas are found on ,margins of the ocean and partially enclosed by land. South pole is the largest and sea levels would rise 200ft. If it melted. Whats the diffrence between a ocean and a sea?
Land 30% 7 continents- The Grand Canyon- Africa-Nile In Arizona and is formed with water Asia-Mt. Everest 600ft deep and 277mi. long Europe-Elbe river Australia-Mt. Bongong North America- Mt. McKinley South America-Amazon River Antarctica- Lots of snow
Mars What makes mars surface red?- The iron oxide in the soil. Are there any continents on mars?- No. Any oceans?- No ma’am Mt Olympus mons is the largest mountain on mars and is 3 times bigger than mars
Mars continued Mars’ polar ice caps are made of what? Ice :D what else! (dry ice) Is there a grand canyon of mars? Yes its name is Valles Marineris. It is 3000-4000 ki. Long compared to the earths grand canyon of 800ki. Long
Curiosity Curiosity has discovered??? Water Soil And Alkaline Magma Curiosities cool facts Color “eye” with high quality pictures and videos. Curiosity has a awesome laser Super powerful magnified glass (to kill those martian space ants with.)
How earth and mars are alike They both have mountains, craters and other topographic features. Both have ice caps at their poles. Both have water and soil. Both have iron oxide in soil. Both have atmospheres.
How earth and mars are different Mars has no continents Mars has no oceans Earth has only 1 moon, mars has 2 Mars has had rovers explore it No trees or life on mars
So in Conclusion That’s the solar system in a nutshell Now if you want to know more watch the Big Bang Theory on TBS (I should get paid for the ad) (no but if you really do ask Einstein)