Gary Kinchin: University of Southampton Peter Hastie Auburn University Designing the Season Gary Kinchin: University of Southampton Peter Hastie Auburn University
Choosing what activity Some differences in views here Familiarity for the teacher is helpful? Typically an invasion game is a good place to start: e.g. netball/basketball/handball hybrid Modified version of the full game: Modifications: players/equipment/playing area Rule variations: scoring, fouls, ball out of play, re-starts Combination of invasion games
Class Size How many students are in the class? Numbers of girls/boys? Their experience of the activity and skill level? What have they done before? Conduct a needs analysis
Team Arrangements/Details How many teams? Typical to have an ‘odd’ number of teams This permits the use of a Duty team: who assist with organisation and running of competitions (scoring, assist teacher will umpiring) Class of 30 (5 teams of 6) Enables a variety of competitions: 3v3 & 6v6
Determining Teams Mixed ability…must! Take into account personalities Strategy One:Teacher determines teams and announces them Strategy Two: Captains determined by teachers: these pupils then establish equal teams Captains then draw lots for their team
Naming their team This adds to the affiliation: how will this be done? Brings a sense of identify & membership Children can decide: teachers OK the name Names built around a cross-curricular theme (what is being learned in a foreign language or in geography) Local significance: linked with school/community Sport Significance: what is going on right now?
Team Roles What roles are needed that relate to the activity? Make a list. On their own? Paired roles/rotate? Captain Coach Manager of Equipment (x2) Statistician Fitness Leader Others? Will the roles be reviewed after 3-4 lessons: had led to some changes What responsibilities? Provide a summary of 2-3 responsibilities
How will the roles determined? Captains elected by teachers: strong leaders/mixture of boys and girls Captain overseas allocation of other roles to their team: seeking volunteers Summarise the outcomes on a role summary form
Space & Equipment Sports are modified remember! What space is there? How will it be marked off? Divide courts/fields You will need to allocate a home court: where teams go each day the lesson starts [routine] What equipment will each team need, how will it be accessed? Kit bag: Cones/balls/bibs?
Length of the Season How many lessons can I allocate The more the better! There is much to learn, students need time to grow into the roles they have & learn the day-to-day routines Teams need time to work together/support each other Teams need time to learn enough to play a ‘good game’ Leagues need time to unfold
Format for the Competition There is a ‘League’: teams can accumulate points Daily points: organisation and speedy changing, team-spirit, performance of roles What else might count that will support the unit? Competition 3v3 & 6v6 How many matches can be played at once and how many can be completed in 1-2 lessons Points for wins/draws/loss (3,2,1) How will the season winners be determined?
Instructional Decisions In say a 12-day season How many days could be allocated to skill learning? What needs to be taught Throwing and catching Defending Keeping possession/movement Rules and safety How many days for the competition & Festival
Promoting student-led teaching… Teacher demonstrates a warm-up: warm-up coach will use the warm-up the next day at the beginning of the lesson Teacher provides a diagram of a simple drill for equipment manager to set up & coach to use with their team Task cards Teacher provides a tactical problem for the team to solve Come up with 1-2 ideas on how your team can practice keeping possession Teacher provides a checklist regarding fulfilling the captain’s role
Publicity of the Season Sport Education notice-board in school League positions posted daily Announcements made in assembly with updates Team emblems designed & displayed for the school Others?
Culminating Event What will be the format (6v6) 1 or 2 days What awards might be given and for what? (recognise the range of work: skill, roles, team-player) How can you promote festivity? Can the pupils suggest some ideas Posters/announcements in assembly Spectators: lunch-time Can you involve other teachers? Is there a guest who could visit? Are you able to capture record of the festival on camera/video: show at a small class-party? Will teams be announced at the festival? Will they wear different coloured shirts?
Post-Festival Report in assembly Class party: video? All-school team (range of criteria: most valuable player, most improved, role performance, good team-player) Match reports
Pupil Assessment Will you assess pupils? Knowledge: rules test Survey, performance assessment, team assessment, fair play, responsibility check-list Knowledge: rules test Skill Development: observation against criteria Homework assignment: research some aspect of sport in their community Does PE serve boys and girls fairly in the school [co-curricular & extra-curricular How is space used by different children for physical activity around the school [who, what] Team discussions of news articles
Trouble-shooting Team imbalance: trading players Player away: continue with one player down, or temporary trade (point to the trading team)
Person not doing their role: guidance?, role clinic, buddy? Worry that/ teams not getting along: teacher works with the team for a lesson, have a team meeting Before season: do some problem-solving to let individuals get to know each other, get some team photographs developed Person not doing their role: guidance?, role clinic, buddy?
Season Skeleton Pre-season planning and talk with class Day 1: Introduce & organisation Day 2-5: Skill Development & within-team practice Day 6: 3v3 Competition Day 7-10: Tactics and strategy development: prep for festival Days 11-12: Festival
Sample Lesson Outlines
Day 1 Give out sport profile sheet Volunteer captain/leaders? Determine. Collect profiles. Make teams. Draw lots Introduce roles and responsibilities: assign Distribute schedule of competition with dates Assign ‘home-courts’ Determine team name, chant, logo, mascot, emblem Demonstrate sample warm-up Skill instruction led by the teacher
Early season lesson Enter, move to assigned court Warm-up led by fitness trainer (warm-up developed by team) on assigned ‘home’ court Issuance of warm-up points Some direct teaching and help by the teacher. Practiced within their team Game constructed by coach related to the skill element
Mid-late season lesson Warm-up Self-directed within-team practice organized by the coach (practice outline provided by the teacher or developed by self) on home-court/pitch Within-team ‘game-like’ practice 3v3 Complete target setting (strategy)
Planning Questions How might the role of the coach be developed across a season? How might you deal with non-cooperation from an individual? What do you do if a team appear to be having difficulties with organization? What points could you award to teams beyond match results? How might you publicize sport education in your school? How would you ‘teach’ appropriate post-competition behaviour? What other roles might be exciting for children?
Suggestion Begin sketching 12 days Lesson focus: What pupils will do What the teacher will do What paperwork is needed before and during the lesson What record keeping etc must be completed after the lesson Emphasis upon shift in responsibility to pupils and use of pupils in their roles
Initial Documentation Team sheets/folders Roles and responsibilities form Somewhere for the pupil’s name against each role Player contract form A team points summary outline What, when: how many points Day-to-day schedule/thumb-nail sketch
Final Tips Select a class you like Make the teams as even as possible Select an activity you are comfortable with Use fewer roles (access for all) Develop routines & hold children accountable for them Be CREATIVE with competition formats Slowly back off Make the unit as ‘real as you can’ Be up-to-date [nobody is interested in last weeks tables/league positions]
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