CHARACTERISTICS OF ISLAMIC & PROPHET SOCIETY Tawhid. Risalat. Cleanliness and purity. Simplicity. Equality. Oneness in theory and practice. Justice. Brotherhood. Tolerance. Commanding good and forbidding evils.
11. Chastity and purity. 12. Moderation. 13. Universality. 14 11. Chastity and purity. 12. Moderation. 13. Universality. 14. Combination of spirituality and materialism. 15. Unity and harmony.
BROTHERHOOD (AKHUWAT) Meaning: Fraternity and community. Holy prophet Muhammad’s( ) lesson of brotherhood. Brotherhood at the time of migration. Islam a religion of brotherhood. Philosophy of warship. Unity of Ummah
ATTRIBUTES OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD ( ) Universality. Finality of Prophethood. Perfection of religion. Safe book. Free from abrogation. Life of prophet Muhammad ( ). Merciful prophet. Sending of blessing by Allah & his angels. A lamp spreading light. Most successful leader.
OBEJECTIVES & WISDOM OF GHAZWAT-e-NABWI Meaning: A ghazwa is a military expedition led by the holy prophet Muhammad( ) himself. Total 26 Ghazwat were led by prophet ( ) “Sariya” led by companion of the prophet( )
IMPORTANT GHAZWAT Badar. Uhhd. Trench. Khyber. Tabuk. Hunain. Victory of Makkah.(Fateh-e-Makkah)
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WAR AND JIHAD Jihad is compulsory. Order for Jihad. Fight against those who fight against you. Fight for oppressed one. Establishment of Peace. Purging of aggression. Hindrances in Practicing Islam.