College of Design Faculty Assembly 3 December, 2014
Agenda Call to Order Approval of 9/24/14 minutes Report from the Deans
Report from the Deans Strategic Planning Aligning our plans with University’s strategic plan Using Principles for Investment Ensuring your priorities are reflected Update due to the Provost’s Office by December 5 Compact Planning Looking for synergies within other CDES programs and departments and with units within the broader University Looking for synergies worthy of Provost investment
Principles for College Investment Aligning with college’s core mission and strategic priorities at the program/department, college and university levels; Demonstrating a potential to build upon and connect existing strengths to grow educational and/or research capacity; Growing the college and university’s capacity for national or international pre-eminence in a significant and distinctive field of study; Producing a significant improvement in academic quality as demonstrated by specific benchmarks; Seeding sustainable revenue streams aligned with academic priorities; Enhancing interdisciplinary, international, multicultural and other collaborations within and beyond the College and University to leverage existing resources and generate new ones to develop emerging fields of knowledge; and, Building a diverse and inclusive college community.
Questions & Discussion
Revisions to Constitution and Bylaws Working Group Old Business Revisions to Constitution and Bylaws Working Group John Comazzi, John Koepke, Theresa Tichich, Becky Yust Three focus groups held Faculty Governance Interdisciplinary Centers Discussion
Constitution & Bylaws Timeline Faculty Business Constitution & Bylaws Timeline January 15: feedback due Late January and early February: Open Meetings February 13: Final documents distributed with Faculty Assembly Agenda February 27: Vote at Faculty Assembly
Reports from Senators/Committees Senators: Hye Young Kim, John Comazzi Adjunct Curriculum (posted) Diversity (posted) Academic Technology (posted) Honors & Awards (posted) Interdisciplinary (posted) Graduate Working Group (posted)
New Business/Announcements