Santa Susana High School Library Library Assistant Training Destiny – Circulation
Welcome to Destiny Library Management System Training To get started open the Destiny program and click on “Login” Click on the login button.
Login to Destiny Type in username: santasusanahs Password: 9937 Click Login Type in username: santasusanahs and the password: 9937, then click on the Login button.
Welcome Screen -On the Welcome Screen you can see that you are signed in as a Santa Susana High School Library Assistant. -The tabs across the top of the page are the areas inside Destiny you can access. Navigation Tabs On the Welcome Screen you can see that you are signed in as a Santa Susana High School Library Assistant. The tabs across the top of the page are the areas inside Destiny you can access.
Circulation Options available in Circulation You can perform all circulation tasks from the circulation tab. Check out, check in, renews, holds, and fines.
Check out Library Books 1. Click the check out task 2. Find patron by scanning ID card or typing in ID number. -Destiny defaults to patron ID (student number). -Find can be changed to look up a student by typing in a name by selecting “last name” from the drop down box.
Check Out Policies Library Books Students may check out 3 books at a time. Check out period is 2 weeks. Overdue books are fined at .10 per day We allow a 2 day grace period. Maximum fine - $5.00 Student with an overdue book can check out only 1 additional book. (total of 2 books out) Lost books are charged at the price of the book plus a $5.00 processing fee.
Check Out Procedures Library Books Enter student number -Confirm student’s name with student. Scan book barcode Check screen for title and date due. For multiple books check each title and date due. You will have to look at different places on the screen. Do not rush – Be careful to do the job right! If there is a crowd folks will just have to wait.
Check Out Procedures Library Books Stamp book pocket and date due card with date due. Put date due card in pocket. Hand book to student and tell them the date it is due. Click reset to prepare for the next patron. Do not rush – Be careful to do the job right! If there is a crowd folks will just have to wait.
Check In Procedure Library Books Select Check In Scan book barcode Check title of book and patron name.
Check In Library Books continued Do Not Rush – Take time to read the notes on the screen before moving on!
Collecting Fines Collect a fine. This is the only time you can collect a fine. If you are collecting a fine from this patron it must be collected before you go on to the next item. Click on Pay/Waive fine.
Library Book Check In Processing When the library book has been checked in: Remove date due card and cross out date. Cross out date on the book pocket. Place book in basket. At the beginning of each period check the basket and shelve any books there. Check pockets to make sure date due cards have been removed. Wipe outside cover of books with baby-wipes.
Collecting Fines – Library Books continued Tell the patron the amount of the fine. They can pay any amount up to the amount owed. Enter the amount paid into the form and click save. If the patron would like a receipt click on Print Receipt before you save, a print window will open.
Remember… Do Not Rush It is better to go slow and do the job right than to finish in a hurry and make mistakes.
Check Out Review Select “Check Out” from menu. Enter Student ID Enter Book Barcode Stamp book pocket Stamp date due card Put card in pocket and hand to student Double check that the book is checked out before giving to student.
Check In Review Select “Check In” from menu Scan book barcode. Check for notices (lost book, fines due, etc.). Check student name. Remove date due card (mark out date) Place in basket.