REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Implementation of Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom of 25 June 2009 “However, challenges in the implementation of the Directive have been identified as regards the regulatory authority’s legal powers and human and financial resources (Article 5(3)). From the Commission’s perspective, such situations may jeopardise the necessary independence of the regulatory authority. This matter will require special attention by national authorities.” November 2015 T&T coordination- june 2016
THE NUSHARE PROJECT A EURATOM education, training and information initiative To develop and implement training schemes with the aim to share and grow a culture of safety based on existing training efforts; Target Groups (TG) at higher education level TG1 Policy and decision makers: governments, emergency management teams, including international organizations; - INSTN TG2 Staff of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and Technical Safety Organisations (TSOs) - ENSTTI TG3 Managers and operators in the nuclear industry, system suppliers and energy providers. - TECNATOM Qualification System – Mutual Recognition European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) Workforce Mobility :"Personal Transcripts“ or “Training Passport” Time Frame: 2013-2016 Project Coordinator ENEN T&T coordination- june 2016
WORKING PACKAGE 3: PRELIMINARY TRAINING SCHEME FOR NRA AND TSOS Target Group 2 (TG2) professionals at NRAs and TSOs; experts in charge of professional development and training (train the trainers); professionals involved in the licensing of all types of activities and facilities from the nuclear cycle and the use of radioactive material in medicine and industry. Training Scheme Comprehensive and harmonized training scheme to support the development of young professionals and qualified staff working or planning to make a career at NRAs and TSOs. Objective To build-up personnel able to carry out radiation safety, nuclear safety and nuclear security functions to suit the State’s needs and to meet national requirements. T&T coordination- june 2016
NUSHARE WP3 Involvement of Stakeholders: ENSTTI-NRA-TSO Meeting - 17-18 April 2013, Paris Objective Discuss how NRAs and TSOs can best benefit from the NUSHARE project WP3 Seek feedback and input on draft concept of basic training scheme Identify areas of cooperation and collaboration between ENSTTI, European NRAs and TSOs as well as other stakeholders Participation 8 TSOs 11 NRAs EC (DG ENER, EHRO-N) Outcome Meeting Report (also disseminated among NUSHARE coordinator and team members) Summary of the meeting Comments on draft concept Recommendations In addition to the regulation of nuclear safety at nuclear installations, NRAs often also carry out regulatory functions in the area such as radiation protection (at associated facilities), nuclear security and non-proliferation. T&T coordination- june 2016
Promotion of safety culture requires a workforce RESULTS OF NUSHARE TG2 STAKEHOLDER MEETING THE MEANING OF SAFETY CULTURE FOR NRAS AND TSOS NRAs and TSOs promote Safety Culture by setting a good example in their own performance : should be technically competent; set high safety standards for themselves; conduct their dealings with operators in a professional manner; show good judgment in regulatory decisions. In promoting safety culture, a regulatory body should set a good example in its own performance. This means, for example, the regulatory body should be technically competent, set high safety standards for itself, conduct its dealings with operators in a professional manner and show good judgment in its regulatory decisions. I will not say the following. This is just for me as additional info. The regulator can promote safety culture in the operator’s organisation just through the mere fact of placing it on the agenda at the highest organisational levels. The operator’s priorities are influenced by those matters regarded as important by the regulatory body. Thus, the regulator can stimulate the development of a safety culture by providing positive reinforcement for good performance and high quality in plant work processes, by encouraging good safety practices, by promoting the examples of operators having a good safety culture, and by recognising initiatives of industry organisations. Promotion of safety culture requires a workforce holding competences in many disciplines. T&T coordination- june 2016
SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BUILD-UP AND STRENGTHEN COMPETENCES Analyst Nuclear Safety Nuclear Security Radiation Protection Expert Module Advanced Training Programme Basic Training Programme for TSOs & NRAs Focus on FUNCTIONS as set out in the IAEA GSR Part 1 “Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for Safety” & SARCON. TUTORING TRAINING T&T coordination- june 2016
TRAINING SCHEME FOR NRAS AND TSOS Basic Module – Competence Profile for new entrants, or people looking for a new career at NRAs/TSOs Nuclear & Legal Awareness Scientific-Technological Behavioural Information & Cooperation Managerial Socio-economic Personal & Interpersonal Entry Level Skills Core Competences Generic Competences T&T coordination- june 2016
EU TRAINING POLICY Qualification System – Mutual Recognition European Qualifications Framework (EQF): assessment and validation process Learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and competence ECVET: European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training Workforce Mobility “Personal Transcripts“ or “Training Passport” T&T coordination- june 2016
MACRO LEARNING OUTCOMES Basic Training Programme Describe the fundamentals of safety culture and differentiate between nuclear safety and nuclear security culture. Explain the basics of regulatory oversight of licenses and set out different approaches. Define the different steps of the safety culture oversight process. Explain the fundamental principles for the protection of human and their environment from ionizing radiation. Demonstrate a systemic vision of nuclear safety by describing the explicit and implicit connections among technological, social, human and organizational features. Discuss the legal basis and regulatory process that empower the NRA to govern its operation. Identify the basic, applied and advanced technical disciplines related to the regulatory control of facilities and activities using ionizing radiation. Describe regulatory practices such as assessment and inspections technologies, investigation and auditing. Demonstrate soft skills necessary to carry out regulatory functions. Demonstrate a systemic vision of nuclear safety by understanding the explicit and implicit connections among technological, social, human and organizational features. Explain the fundamental principles that form the system for the protection of human and their environment from ionizing radiation. Discuss the legal basis and regulatory process that empower the NRA to govern its operation. Describe the fundamentals of safety culture. Explain the basics of regulatory oversight of licenses including the management of safety culture and to compare the different oversight approaches. Identify the different steps of the safety culture oversight process and to differentiate between nuclear safety and nuclear security culture. Discuss the basic, applied and advanced technical disciplines related to the regulatory control of facilities and activities using ionizing radiation. Describe and discuss regulatory practices such as assessment and inspections technologies, investigation and auditing. Demonstrate soft skills necessary to carry out regulatory functions. T&T coordination- june 2016
BASIC TRAINING SCHEME PROPOSAL Basic Module Structure Class Room Training – Core Competences (1 week & 3 weeks & 1 week) and Distance Learning – Generic Competences within 6 months – accredited with ECVET credits In-between: Distance learning modules (Mentors) Group and individual assignments Structured self-study Site visits Tutoring (at least 3 months) Nuclear &Legal Course 1 week Scientific-Technological 3 weeks Behavioural Tutoring 3 months Distance Learning T&T coordination- june 2016
BASIC TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR NRAS & TSOS 4 Modules over a period of 12 months Module I: Nuclear Law and Regulatory Frameworks (1 week) Module II: Technical Concepts (4 weeks) Module II - A: Technical Concepts governing Nuclear Safety Module II - B: Technical Concepts governing Nuclear Security Module II - C: Technical Concepts governing Radiation Protection Module III: Regulatory Oversight of Safety Culture (1 week) Module IV: Structured Tutoring (min. 3 months in ‘home organization’) T&T coordination- june 2016
2015 PILOT SESSION supported by DG-ENER Legal Basis and Regulatory Processes for Nuclear and Radiation Safety; 4-8 May 2015 – SSM, Stockholm, Sweden; Technical Concepts, Techniques, Methods and Tools for the Assessment of Nuclear and Radiation Safety; 8-26 June 2015 – GRS, Munich, Germany; 3 month tutoring of the trainees inside their own organizations; 18 young professionals from NRA & TSO-12 from nuclear safety side and 6 from Radiation safety side Feedback session in April 2016 T&T coordination- june 2016
PILOT STUDY RESULTS Mean= 13,4 Median= 13,2 Standard deviation= 0,04 T&T coordination- june 2016
FEEDBACK ON BTP PILOT SESSION Pilot Sessoin well appreciated by all participants; Fills in a knowledge gap; Places safety assessment in perspective; Improves capability of dialogue (internal, external, stakeholder) Helps to build collective judgment to support regulatory decisions. T&T coordination- june 2016
T&T coordination- june 2016