PREPARE SOUPS D1.HCC.CL2.16 Trainer welcomes the class.
Prepare soups Assessment for this Unit may include: Oral questions Written questions Work projects Workplace observation of practical skills Practical exercises Formal report from employer/supervisor Trainer advises students that assessment for this Unit may take several forms all of which are aimed at verifying they have achieved competency for the Unit as required. Trainer indicates to students the methods of assessment that will be applied to them for this Unit.
Prepare soups 1 2 3 4 This Unit comprises three elements: Prepare soups as required for dishes on enterprise menus 1 Store soups to enterprise requirements 2 Reconstitute soups for service 3 Trainer advises students this Unit comprises three elements, as listed on the slide explaining: Each Element comprises a number of Performance Criteria which will be identified throughout the class and explained in detail Students can obtain more detail from their Trainee Manual The course presents advice and information but where their workplace requirements differ to what is presented, the workplace practices and standards must be observed. 4
Prepare soups Element 1: Prepare soups as required for dishes on enterprise menus Identify soup classifications and standard recipes Prepare ingredients appropriate to soup type Produce soups to standard enterprise recipes Trainers to discuss: Relevance of performance criteria to learning outcomes
Prepare soups Identify soup classifications Clear Soups Consommé – French origin: Clarified Free of impurities Trainers to discuss: Western cookery is based on French cuisine. Consommé is considered a clean soup as it is only the best flavour of the base ingredient: chicken or beef
Prepare soups Identify soup classifications Broth: Clear stock with visible portions of food Some fat floating on surface Puree: Smooth blend of all ingredients Should still be liquid, have flow Trainers to discuss: Many varieties exist from all over the world Minestrone from Italy Scotch Broth from Scotland: made of the ingredients of the people had available Barley; aromatics from onion common vegetable like cabbage leeks and maybe a cheaper cut of meat from the Lairds meat. Lamb shank; pork hock or shank of beef; cheaper meats from the Lairds pantry Students should research ‘What is a Laird?’ Understand some of these soups are peasants food. Soup and bread is all they would have to eat most days.
Prepare soups Identify soup classifications Cream: Veloute with cream added to enhance flavour. For example Cream of chicken and mushroom Thickened chicken veloute with sautéed mushroom and chicken pieces. Bisque: Seafood style, base flavour from shell fish: Fish flesh added; variety from daily catch Trainers to discuss: Cream of soup: basic soups that were just added a bit of richness with the addition of dairy cream; just because they had some. Took the edge off soups like tomato that could be quiet acidic. Cream makes it taste a bit smoother. Bisques: evolved from fisherman’s wives making a meal from the ‘less value’ catch of the day. A farmer with cows might have plenty of cheese and meat A fisherman has plenty of seafood that may not be sold that day in the market Using leftovers to produce dinner Evolution of cuisines Bisque, synonymous with fisher folk of Northern France
Prepare soups Identify soup classifications Cultural Soups from other countries: Laska from Malaysia: Curried coconut milk Many variations; seafood, chicken Trainers to discuss: All countries have their own variations of soups or liquid foods The flavour is enhanced with addition of what ever is available in local area. Modern transport and food security makes much more food available and tourism and modern communications make people interested in foods from other countries
Prepare soups Identify soup classifications Cultural Soups from other countries: Taharoa from Maori people of New Zealand: Shellfish Trainers to discuss:
Prepare soups Prepare ingredients appropriate to soup types Trainers to discuss:
Prepare soups Produce soups to standard recipes Standard recipe Standard service size Same ingredients Same taste Customer satisfaction Trainers to discuss: Benefits of standard recipe is that the product should look and taste the same every time. Variation will exist in food when made by hand. A recipe is a guide but if the recipe is accurate and is followed accurately then flavours should be similar. Customer satisfaction is paramount when selling a product.
Prepare soups Element 2: Store soups to enterprise requirements Follow enterprise cooling procedures for soups Store soups appropriately in correct containers Label soups correctly Ensure appropriate storage equipment conditions are maintained Prepare and maintain correct thawing of frozen soups Ensure correct storage of soups after service Trainers to discuss: Relate performance criteria to Element 2
Prepare soups Cool soups to standard procedure Apply 2 hour 4 hour rule Cooling hot foods: All foods must be cooled to room temperature (21°C) within two hours and within another 4 hours must be cooled to below 5°C. Trainers to discuss: Room temperature is an ambient temperature. The temperature cannot be less than that if no artificial form of cooling is applied. Room air temperature in tropics will be higher than in South of Tasmania in winter So when food has cooled to the lowest temperature naturally then it has to be placed into refrigeration where the temperature is lower so the food can reach a temperature where the rate of bacterial growth will be restricted. To cool faster soups should be placed into shallow containers with a wide openings so heat loss is faster than in a deep smaller container.
Prepare soups Store soups in correct containers Washable Food quality Undamaged Must be sealable Trainers to discuss: Storage containers must be food grade Stainless steel is best as it is hard to damage and easy to clean. If using plastic the quality must be of a standard that will not taint the food. Some plastics will contaminate foods with chemicals from the plastic; these are not food grade Container must be sealable; meaning that they must be able to be sealed with a lid or plastic wrap so no other contaminant can enter.
Prepare soups Label soups correctly Name of product Date of manufacture Use by date Name of person who is responsible for making Trainers to discuss: All this information needs to be on the label If food is to be sold in this container then more information needs to n be applied This is minimal labeling information when just used in kitchen
Prepare soups Ensure storage equipment is maintained correctly Soups are normally made in advance Cooked and cooled Storage must be at a temperature that will minimise bacterial activity – below 5°C for 3 days Equipment must be service and maintained to ensure this is possible Trainers to discuss: For the soups to be stored safely bacterial activity must be kept to a level so that when the soups are served the eating of the soups will not cause an adverse reaction in the consumer. To store soup for an extended period it must be chilled to a temperature where the bacterial activity is minimal for the period of storage. This will require equipment like refrigeration. This equipment need to be checked maintained to ensure efficient operation
Prepare soups Thaw frozen soups correctly In controlled environment This will not allow bacteria to grow to a dangerous level In coolroom Trainers to discuss: Thawing of all foods is best carried out where minimal human control is needed. In the coolroom.
Prepare soups Ensure correct storage of soups after service Trainers to discuss:
Prepare soups Element 3: Reconstitute soups for service Follow correct heating of soups to enterprise standard Ensure quality of hot holding of soups is to enterprise standards Trainers to discuss:
Prepare soups Heat soups to enterprise standards Enterprise standard is set by the chef and the food safety plan Standard control level is above 75°C Higher temperature is better Trainers to discuss: Monitoring that standards are met are done on a regular basis is important Standards will vary
Prepare soups Ensure correct ‘hot holding’ procedures are followed Hold soups above 60°C Ensure correct operation of equipment used to ‘hold’ soups Service on regular basis Trainers to discuss: Holding at correct temperature to meet food safety standards for extended periods will be detrimental food quality Be sure to place food quality