Summer Camp 2010 SRA 2010 Status update Laila Gide and Tatu Koljonen
Vision and high level targets Market & Investing in ES Research Research Priorities Prepare the future Innovation eco-system
THE MOVE…. ARTEMIS focus on the “system” aspect of embedded systems- “System” that includes HW and SW integrating physical to “virtual” ARTEMIS builds on a new cross-domain approach to support a variety of applications, services and solutions for societal challenges ( THE BUBBLES) Achieve a paradigm change : big impact and quick to market challenge
WHY? Build on SRA 2006 Strategy and revisit to cover new concerns: Societal challenges adds a third dimension the “Matrix approach” “Horizontal” components: Reference Design and Architecture (RDA) Seamless connectivity and interoperability (SCI) [ instead of SMC] Design Methods and Tools (DMT) “Vertical” components Application contexts needs to be up-dated
And … New Opportunities , New Challenges Mega trends = new opportunities Healthcare & Ageing society, Greener everything: Green, safe and supportive transportation, Sustainable environment, energy and resources management, .. Smart buildings and cities of the future And many others…
SRA 2010 “key messages” Embedded Systems ( ES) are essential for digitalisation of everyday life. Revisiting the examples described in the SRA 2006 ES forms the interface between physical and virtual world (core part cyber-physical world). Where Europe is leading Example: strong back-ground in the automotive and machinery equipment – danger in loosing market position if advance in certification of ES is not kept. Example: Europe is lagging in the IT systems, and therefore should invest more and better in the ES : get figures from the German national roadmap on ES ( NRMES) Europe is investing in ES that are answering application fields needs. Bringing Embedded Systems to other technical areas creates competitive advantages (due to our leading position in ES) Cloud computing: ES is the interface between the Cloud computing world and the physical world . Trade off between ES and Cloud computing particularly for energy consumption Link the societal challenges to technical challenges for the ES such as: Energy awareness and limited power consumption for systems Ease of use versus complexity, Always connected Safety and Security (built-in trust)
SRA 2010 “key messages” Market push/Technology pull Digitalisation of the physical environment Energy awareness and limited power consumption for systems Ease of use versus complexity, Always connected and interconnected: “Internet of Things” Safety and Security (built-in trust)
Positioning Positioning with respect to: FP7 and Eureka and National programmes ENIAC New PPPs : Factory of the Future, Energy efficient buildings, Green Cars and the Future Internet EIT ICT labs other ETPs : e.g EPOSS
Positioning Short, medium, long term in ES What is the benefit for participating company? FP7 Artemis-JU Eureka Nat. Increasing knowledge and development of technology long ? Creating new value chains ? mid Improvement on existing value chain ? short problem areas?
Positioning EU FUNDING INSTRUMENTS 4.12.2018
Positioning ELEMENTS OF EIT ICT LABS Central organization ESB, CEO, CFO, CSO, ERI-Coordinators, Node Managers, offices, travel cost, communication Co-Location Berlin Co-Location Eindhoven Co-Location Helsinki Co-Location Paris Co-Location Stockholm Thematic areas with focus on delivering innovation to market ERI-Horizontal activities with activities addressing needs of all thematic areas A Thematic Area … Has an application area with a long-term business objective integrates research, innovation and education has clear leadership, possibly assigned to a node must be European-wide integrates relevant technological competencies has a Strategic Ambition which includes a clear vision and a measurable objective Smart spaces Smart energy systems Health & well-being Intelli-gent trans-por-tation Systems Future media and content delivery Education Research Innovation Bubble size represents the budget of the activity
WHAT EIT ICT Labs OFFERS TO OUR PARTNERS? An open window to our Node and to the whole KIC-network: Access to people. You are part of a network engaging the best students and connecting to researchers from other nodes. Some students may be interested in joining your organization afterwards. The role of "partner of choice" for our various EU-funded activities in Research, Education and Innovation Access to our research infrastructure and facilities, also at other nodes. There will be space provided for working together, opportunities to meet with company and academia people. The Helsinki facility will at the start be situated in the TUAS building in Otaniemi. Match making with various partners in our innovation chains Access to a global partner network. For example, you can plan new educational or research activities (e.g. EU FP7/FP8 projects) together and enhance the chances to get funding if they are EIT-branded Internationalization of innovation instruments. The existing instruments are in general local or national. EIT adds an international dimension. We want here to have German venture capitalists funding Finnish spin-offs etc. Possibility to share information about innovations, business plans, funding possibilities and incubation support The Node offers for affiliate partners an "open innovation window" into the whole KIC-network by: Sharing information, plans and results (under NDA?) of the Node and the whole KIC Giving the role of "partner of choice" in planning and executing various EU-funded activities by the Node and whole KIC Possibility and support for individuals of the affiliate to work and study in the Node and KIC colocations Access to promising young individuals with relevant background and high motivation Access to new promising research teams with interesting results and ideas looking for start-up possibilities Possibility share information (under NDA ?) about research results, innovations, business plans, funding possibilities and incubation support Match making possibilities for various partners in innovation chain
The “Vertical” Components Application Domains Affected Transportation Automotive Rail Systems Aeronautic Industrial Production Automation production control, everywhere, incl. chemical industry Robotics Medical & Health Care Products Energy generation distribution power management & control IT-Industry Consumer Electronics Household & Living Environment Agriculture all sectors important for our daily life are directly affected by Embedded Systems !
The “Vertical” Components Industrial Branches : General Impact For all industrial systems: All information is going to be in digital format all sensors and distributed sensor networks will deliver digital information amount of sensors will significantly increase sensor networks cost of creating and distributing digital information will rapidly decrease Control of actors and energy management will also be digital Remote control and high degree of automation will be standard, up to high degree of autonomy (with all threats !!) Embedded Systems will be increasingly “networked”, network of things and services Management of data will require appropriate “Information Fusion” (MSI) MSI technology will become cross sectorial technology. Intelligence and productivity will increase in all areas of industry, due to to embedded systems and their connectivity.
The “Vertical” Components Industrial Branches : Opportunities/threats Technologies will become more and more cross domain, leading to standardization and reduction of cost Horizontalisation will lead to common design principles, common technologies, common tools and processes Interoperability will increase, creating new chances for economic growth and progress. Standardized communication procedures and data formats will lead to easy access to proprietary and confidential information Data security, privacy of information in individual and industrial space will become major issue Security !!!
Recommendation per Application For each of the industrial sectors a specific impact analysis pointing out the specific priorities and needs, such as: functional safety for all transportation, industrial automation, and health systems, including (re-) certification issues energy efficiency and environmental compatibility / green approaches cost efficiency in design and engineering phase, but also in production and operational phase of life cycle interconnectivity security against external threats The technological base in nearly all cases can be developed in a common effort! ARTEMIS shall be the harmonizing and orchestrating instrument !
The “Horizontal” components Reference Design and Architecture RDA HW dependant SW. Interface to the physical world Autonomous and adaptive architectures Establish a framework for control Diagnostics Architectures for mixed-criticality Support for composability and re-use and reconfiguration Resource awareness Security by design Distributed situational awareness systems System of Systems
The “Horizontal” components Seamless Connectivity and Interoperability Keep the old ones + Semantic ontologies Convergence leads to mixed criticality Adaptive (gateways, resource mt, etc) Incremental and evolutionary systems Certification (for mixed criticality) Data management
The “Horizontal” components Seamless Connectivity and Interoperability From Syntactic to semantic interoperability, ontologies The syntactic and semantic integration of systems developed in different domains will give rise to systems of systems that will provide emergent services of high utility. developing ubiquitous connectivity schemes that support the syntactic and semantic integration of heterogeneous sub-systems and networks of Embedded Systems, under the constraints of minimum power consumption and limited bandwidth. Convergence leads to mixed criticality, Incremental and evolutionary systems, Architectures for mixed-criticality Dependability and security: The provision of a generic framework that supports mixed criticality, safe, secure, maintainable, reliable and timely system services despite the accidental failure of system components and the activity of malicious intruders is essential. Certification (for mixed criticality), Modular certification Certification: the control of physical devices and processes, e.g service robots that interact with humans, performed by embedded systems makes it necessary to certify the design by an independent certification authority. The envisioned architecture must support a modular certification. Incremental development, incremental validation, incremental certification The certification of mixed criticality systems and the development of well structured safety cases such that the safety of a proposed design can be convincingly demonstrated. Self-organizing capabilities, Adaptive (gateways, resource mt, etc) Techniques of device self-organization are needed to guarantee the devices capabilities to cooperate. The Grand Challenge in the area of self-organizing systems relates to the reflection of sovereign computational unit about its current situation and the devising of a plan of actions such that a high level goal can be decomposed into a set of goal-oriented steps that can be executed autonomously. These systems have to adapt themselves according to environment changes, the preferences of the user and the current user goals. Technologies to be considered are : Position awareness, time awareness, discovery protocols, plan formulation, sensors fusion, “ways-and-means” modelling, neutral networks, expert systems or production systems. Data management ……
The “Horizontal” components Design Methods and Tools Multi/many core design methodologies Keep old terms Domain specific front-ends (designer interface) Re-use of cross-domain models Resource aware compilation Ontology driven development for ES How to design real-time distributed control systems Multi-objective optimisation of real-time distributed systems in the presence of conflicting requirements Design methods for mixed criticality and integration Design for certification
R&D Innovation Ecosystem Ecosystems Constituents ARTEMIS Strategy and vision Inputs from the Working Groups R&D Open Inno- vation Business Models Standards Education External Relations Tool Platform SME involve- ment
Timeline SRA recalibration WG-1 … SRA 2010 proposal to the GA Summer Camp WG-n WG-SRA Preparation SRA2010 SRA2010 SRA2006 SRA workshop MASP/RA2010 MASP/RA2011 1st draft MASP/RA2011 AWP2010 AWP2011 1st draft AWP2011 April 22 8-9 Nov 9,10 Oct June 2010 June 2009 22
Summer camp inputs to SRA new version Market & Investing in ES Research Research Priorities Prepare the future Innovation eco-system
DAY 2 SRA break-out session: 4 themes Research Priorities and challenges chaired by: Laila Gide From application drivers to research priorities, challenges, and foundational research,… Innovation Environment chaired by: Tatu Koljonen Discuss SRA focus for, among others: CoIE, SME, Regulation, Standardisation, Open Source,... Investing in E.S Research chaired by: Joseba Laka Market opportunities, funding sources, National policies alignment. ARTEMIS positioning in the future chaired by: Ad ten Berg How should ARTEMIS position itself in the future and with respect to other PPPs and initiatives?