Wednesday , October 19, 2017 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST Duke Energy Florida Annual Network Operating Committee/Stakeholder Meeting Wednesday , October 19, 2017 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST
Agenda NITS Implementation on OASIS Discussion Dynamic Transfer Request and Implementation Concomitant Request NAESB WEQ Update Wrap-up
NITS on OASIS Training of Duke operators and our customers is completed. From Dukes perspective the implementation has been successful and it all behind us now. Duke appreciates Customer’s patiently working through the transition with us. Welcome any further Customer feedback so we can address and share with OATI.
Dynamic Transfers Duke is experiencing an increase in dynamic transfer requests from customers Dynamic transfers can be in the form of a dynamic schedule or a pseudo tie. Depending on the type of dynamic transfer requested, implementation can be very complicated and require design time. Dukes intent is to provide customers with more clarity around the timeline and expectations of implementing a dynamic transfer by implementing procedures.
Dynamic Transfers Dynamic Transfers are either Dynamic Schedules or Pseudo Ties. Dynamic Schedule - A time-varying energy transfer that is updated in real time and included in the Net Scheduled Interchange in same manner as a tagged block schedule.
Dynamic Transfers (cont.) Pseudo – Tie - A time-varying energy transfer that is updated in real time and included in the Net Actual Interchange in the same manner as a tie-line.
Dynamic Transfer Request
Concomitant Request
Concomitant Request (cont.) Will allow a temporary or indefinite termination of a DNR ( DEF system only) to be tied to and queued at the same time as a new DEF request for service , all on the same OASIS template: The new DEF request may be for:
NAESB WEQ Update Business Practices Subcommittee (BPS) Paul Graves is a Co- Chair of this committee now. The subcommittee is responsible for standards involving Parallel Flow Visualization, TLR process and ATC calculation among many other commerce related practices. NAESB WEQ Executive Committee (EC) Paul Graves is also a member of the Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Executive Committee representing Duke in the Transmission Segment. The BPS and OASIS subcommittees “report” to the EC. The EC is meeting next week and is currently considering changes to WEQ OASIS standards regarding preemption and competition and the Annual Plan for 2018 NAESB activities.
Roundtable Current Issues Discuss any topics that customers want to review today. Customer Suggested Topics for Future meetings Identify any topics of discussion for future meetings. Coordinated Group requests? Any Interest?
Wrap-up Next Meeting October 2018 TBD