The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 1-4
ASSET An advantage or source of strength
UNFATHOMABLE Not capable of being understood or grasped
RIVALRY A continued striving for advantage over another
GINGERLY Cautiously; carefully
SAGELY Wisely; knowingly
ROGUISHLY In a mischievous way
Not ready to believe; doubting INCREDULOUS Not ready to believe; doubting
In a casual and unenthusiastic manner NONCHALANTLY In a casual and unenthusiastic manner
ABIDING obeying
DIGESTED Thought over; absorbed
SOPHISTICATED Experienced in worldly ways
ALOOFNESS The state of being uninterested and unsympathetic
ELITE Superior; top
RESIGNEDLY Patiently accepting; in an unresisting way
EMBER A glowing piece of wood, coal, etc.
Anxious or fearful; uneasy APPREHENSIVE Anxious or fearful; uneasy
DEFIANCE Open, bold resistance to authority
CONTEMPTUOUS Scornful; despising
SHEEPISH Acting embarrassed or ashamed
PREMONITION A feeling that something is about to occur