D.3 Functions of the Liver
D.3.U1 The liver removes toxins from the blood and detoxifies them. Sinusoids are the livers’ equivalent of capillaries Hepatocytes line the sinusoids and filter the blood that passes through, removing toxins and storing excess nutrients
D.3.U2 Components of red blood cells are recycled by the liver. Red blood cells have a 4 month lifespan RBCs use hemoglobin to deliver oxygen throughout the body
D.3.U3 The breakdown of erythrocytes (RBCs) starts with phagocytosis of red blood cells by Kupffer cells. At the end of their lifespan Kupffers cells in the liver break them down and recycle the iron
D.3.A1 Causes and consequences of jaundice. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment created during the breakdown of RBCs Healthy liver will break down bilirubin Problems will show with yellow skin and eyes Frequent issue in premature babies with livers still developing
D.3.U4 Iron is carried to the bone marrow to produce hemoglobin in new red blood cells.
D.3.U5 Surplus cholesterol is converted to bile salts. Cholesterol is necessary to form bile which breaks down fats Created by liver or digested from animals Levels are regulated by liver, too much can cause clogged arteries
Blood enters the liver from 2 sources: hepatic artery and portal vein D.3.A2 Dual blood supply to the liver and differences between sinusoids and capillaries Blood enters the liver from 2 sources: hepatic artery and portal vein Exits in the hepatic vein Back to heart Supplies oxygen From intestines
Blood proteins help transport materials and maintain osmotic pressure D.3.U6 Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus in hepatocytes produce plasma proteins. Blood proteins help transport materials and maintain osmotic pressure
D.3.U7 The liver intercepts blood from the gut to regulate nutrient levels. Liver is important in absorbing glucose levels to help regulate blood sugar levels Liver also converts waste into urea to be sent to the kidney
D.3.U8 Some excess nutrients can be stored in the liver. Vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 Iron Glycogen Copper