Vocabulary List 1-Unit 1
Defiantly: resisting, disobeying Synonyms: disobediently, insolently The toy was thrown defiantly across the room, causing more trouble for the child. Other Forms: Defiant, Defiantness
Omen: an even regarded as a portent of good or evil Synonyms: Sign, Signal, Warning, Forecast, Prediction She took the black cat as an omen; she wouldn’t be going down that street anytime soon. Other Forms: unomened
Banishment: the punishment of being sent away Synonyms: exiling, deporting, expelling Adam and Eve’s banishment from the Garden was a direct result Eve’s behavior. Other Forms: Banish, Banisher
Humility: freedom from pride or arrogance Synonyms: Humbleness, Modesty, Meekness After the student got in trouble for talking, he showed humility in class.
Feigned: simulated or pretended Synonyms: Insincere Her eyes feigned shock when her mother discovered the mess. Other forms: Feign, Feignedly
Grudgingly: in a reluctant or resentful manner Synonyms: bitterly She grudgingly shared with her sister after her mom told her to. Other Forms: Grudge, Grudging
Shrouded: cover to conceal from view Synonyms: blanket, screen, conceal The smoke from the fire shrouded the mountain. Other Forms: shroudless
Sullenly: bad tempered and sulky Synonyms: Sulky, Gloomy, Sour Eeyore’s sullenly character is loved by many, even though he’s always sulky. Other Forms: Sullen
Muttered: say something in a low voice, especially in dissatisfaction Synonyms: murmur, mumble, whisper, grumble Students love to mutter under their breaths when teachers say things they don’t want to hear. Other Forms: mutterer
Barrage: bombard someone with something Synonyms: bombard, flood, stream, overwhelm Students barraged the teacher with questions before she even entered the room. Other Forms: Barraging