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The Passion & Death of Jesus: Encountering Injustice Week Three The Passion & Death of Jesus: Encountering Injustice By James Potter Introduction In the third week, we look at Jesus’ suffering in his final hours, and his death on a cross. Just in the same way that the disciples follow Jesus to the foot of the cross, many people in our world suffer because they choose to follow their commitment. Following commitments and ideals can clash with the reality of the world, and lead to suffering. We will hear about the challenges facing our environment, and we will be then led into prayer, reflection and action.
Global challenges A changing climate is increasing the number and intensity of typhoons that has hit the Philippines. Our work is with SLB (Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan is a church-based organisation that is concerned primarily with socio-political and economic affairs of the Philippines). Since the typhoon in 2013 they are working to respond to disasters and work to reduce the risk of future typhoons. This picture shows a once fully bloomed palm tree. When typhoon Haiyan struck, the waters reached higher than the tree itself. Jesuit Missions is continuing to support SLB and the Philippines. This is a strong example of the threats facing our climate, and how it is often the most poor and vulnerable in our world who are affected.
Prayer All of you who feel heavily the weight of the cross, You who are poor and abandoned, You who weep, You who are persecuted for justice, You who are ignored, You the unknown victims of suffering, Take courage. You are the preferred children of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of hope, happiness and life. You are the brothers and sisters of the suffering Christ, And with Him, if you wish, you are saving the world. - From the closing speech of the Second Vatican Council delivered by Pope Paul VI on December 8, 1965
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. - Martin Luther King Jr Our world is not the place it could be. It is riddled by greed, violence, corruption and abuse of power. Despite giant leaps forward in science, technology, healthcare and countless other fields, many evils continue to affect the lives of humans, and especially the poor. Jesus came to tell us about God’s vision for the world, where everyone is equal and all live in peace and freedom. Jesus invites us to help to build his kingdom here and now, in our own lives and communities. As Jesus shows us, we can combat greed, discrimination, hate and violence through generosity, hope, kindness, wisdom, and love. This week, as we watch Jesus’ example, we see that the path of love and peace can bring enormous challenges. Jesus gave his whole life. We pray that we don’t have to pay the same price, but that we may be generous with the life and time that has been given to us. We pray to remain true to our calling to do justice and proclaim hope and love, even when we face difficulties.
A small action against injustice Find an article or blog about a situation where people suffer environmentally because of the actions of others. Write down the different ways in which you or other people can help. If you come up with only one or two ideas, keep going! Think more deeply: you might be surprised about how many ways to help others there are.
© Copyright Jesuit Missions 2016 Text by James Potter and Samantha Aidoo All photos were taken in Jesuit missions, schools and projects by Ashleigh Callow, Gioia Caminada and Richard Greenwood. Users are welcome to modify the material to fit their needs. jesuitmissions.org.uk education@jesuitmissions.org.uk Facebook: Jesuit Missions UK Twitter: @JesuitMissions