1. Abstract Adj. Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Working hard is an abstract value but one can demonstrate it by his/her actions.
2. Advocate V. To support or speak in favor of something In order to pass a law limiting work hours for teens, we need people to advocate on its behalf.
3. Affirmation N. A declaration of the truth of something Parent’s affirmation for the new law will surely help it pass the Senate.
4. Ameliorate V. To make something better The new law will ameliorate the later-than-normal working hours for teenager workers.
5. Appease V. Say something to make them less angry This new law will appease the parents of teen works in knowing their children will not be out so late at night.
6. Archaic Adj. Not longer useful or efficient, language not in use anymore The old law is rather archaic and needs to be rewritten.
7. Articulate V Speak clearly so the person speaking is understandable When teens articulate their desire to do homework rather than work late, the judge might listen to them and change the law.
8. Belligerent Adj. Hostile, ready to start a fight When the new law was read, some teens became belligerent and wanted nothing to do with it.
9. Blight N Spoiled or ruined state, especially in cities Some parents were concerned about the blight that has taken over the area and don’t want their children out late at night working.
10. Cacophony N. An unpleasant combination of loud sounds In some work places the cacophony of all the different machinery can be quite harmful to the ears.
11. Condone V. To overlook, excuse, or pardon Bosses should not condone such loud noises and instead, need to make the workplace a safer environment.
12. Contingent Adj. Dependent upon other circumstances, conditional Some laws dealing with loud noises are contingent upon the degree of loudness and its effect on the worker.
13. Corporeal Adj. Having to do with the body or physical world Bosses are not allowed to use corporeal punishment on a teenage worker even if that teen makes a huge mistake.
14. Culpable Adj. Deserving blame or punishment for a wrong When a worker is culpable of a making a huge mistake, the boss has the right to fire the worker.
15. Cursory Adj. Done in a quick or superficial way If a boss teaches the company’s safety regulations in a cursory manner, then the boss could be in violation of the safety regulations himself.
Vocabulary Practice Assignment Decide on a topic and using each word in a sentence, write 15 sentences about that topic.