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Presentation transcript:

Page 620 Single-Source Shortest Paths Problem Definition Shortest paths and Relaxation Dijkstra’s algorithm (can be viewed as a greedy algorithm) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Find a shortest path from station A to station B. -need serious thinking to get a correct algorithm. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Adjacency-list representation Let G=(V, E) be a graph. V– set of nodes (vertices) E– set of edges. For each uV, the adjacency list Adj[u] contains all nodes in V that are adjacent to u. 2 1 5 4 3 / (a) (b) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Adjacency-matrix representation Assume that the nodes are numbered 1, 2, …, n. The adjacency-matrix consists of a |V||V| matrix A=(aij) such that aij= 1 if (i,j) E, otherwise aij= 0. 2 1 5 4 3 (a) 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 (c) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Problem Definition: Real problem: A motorist wishes to find the shortest possible route from Chicago to Boston.Given a road map of the United States on which the distance between each pair of adjacent intersections is marked, how can we determine this shortest route? Formal definition: Given a graph G=(V, E, W), where each edge has a weight, find a shortest path from s to v for some interesting vertices s and v. s—source v—destination. 2018/12/4 chapter25

The cost of the shortest path from s to v is denoted as (s, v). The weight of path p=<v0,v1,…,vk > is the sum of the weights of its constituent edges: The cost of the shortest path from s to v is denoted as (s, v). 2018/12/4 chapter25

Negative-Weight edges: Edge weight may be negative. negative-weight cycles– the total weight in the cycle (circuit) is negative. If no negative-weight cycles reachable from the source s, then for all v V, the shortest-path weight remains well defined,even if it has a negative value. If there is a negative-weight cycle on some path from s to v, we define = - . 2018/12/4 chapter25

a b -4 h i 3 -1 2 4 3 c d 6 8 5 -8 3 5 11 g s -3 e 3 f 2 7 j -6 Figure1 Negative edge weights in a directed graph.Shown within each vertex is its shortest-path weight from source s.Because vertices e and f form a negative-weight cycle reachable from s,they have shortest-path weights of - . Because vertex g is reachable from a vertex whose shortest path is - ,it,too,has a shortest-path weight of - .Vertices such as h, i ,and j are not reachable from s,and so their shortest-path weights are , even though they lie on a negative-weight cycle. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Representing shortest paths: we maintain for each vertex vV , a predecessor [ v] that is the vertex in the shortest path right before v. With the values of , a backtracking process can give the shortest path. (We will discuss that after the algorithm is given) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Observation: (basic) Suppose that a shortest path p from a source s to a vertex v can be decomposed into s u v for some vertex u and path p’. Then, the weight of a shortest path from s to v is We do not know what is u for v, but we know u is in V and we can try all nodes in V in O(n) time. Also, if u does not exist, the edge (s, v) is the shortest. Question: how to find (s, u), the first shortest from s to some node? 2018/12/4 chapter25

Relaxation: The process of relaxing an edge (u,v) consists of testing whether we can improve the shortest path to v found so far by going through u and,if so,updating d[v] and [v]. RELAX(u,v,w) if d[v]>d[u]+w(u,v) then d[v] d[u]+w(u,v) (based on observation) [v] u 2018/12/4 chapter25

u v u v 2 2 5 9 5 6 RELAX(u,v) RELAX(u,v) u v u v 2 2 5 7 5 6 (a) (b) Figure2 Relaxation of an edge (u,v).The shortest-path estimate of each vertex is shown within the vertex. (a)Because d[v]>d[u]+w(u,v) prior to relaxation, the value of d[v] decreases. (b)Here, d[v] d[u]+w(u,v) before the relaxation step,so d[v] is unchanged by relaxation. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Initialization: For each vertex v  V, d[v] denotes an upper bound on the weight of a shortest path from source s to v. d[v]– will be (s, v) after the execution of the algorithm. initialize d[v] and [v] as follows: . INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE(G,s) for each vertex v  V[G] do d[v] [v] NIL d[s] 0 2018/12/4 chapter25

Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Dijkstra’s algorithm assumes that w(e)0 for each e in the graph. maintain a set S of vertices such that Every vertex v S, d[v]=(s, v), i.e., the shortest-path from s to v has been found. (Intial values: S=empty, d[s]=0 and d[v]=) (a) select the vertex uV-S such that d[u]=min {d[x]|x V-S}. Set S=S{u} D[u]= (s, u) at this moment! Why? (b) for each node v adjacent to u do RELAX(u, v, w). Repeat step (a) and (b) until S=V. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Continue: DIJKSTRA(G,w,s): INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE(G,s) S Q V[G] while Q do u EXTRACT -MIN(Q) S S {u} for each vertex v  Adj[u] do RELAX(u,v,w) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Implementation: a adaptable priority queue Q stores vertices in V-S, keyed by their d[] values. the graph G is represented by adjacency lists so that it takes O(1) time to find an edge (u, v) in (b). 2018/12/4 chapter25

u v 10 5 2 1 3 4 6 9 7 8 s Single Source Shortest Path Problem x y (a) 2018/12/4 chapter25

u v 1 10 8 10 9 s 2 3 4 6 7 5 5 8 2 x y (b) (s,x) is the shortest path using one edge. It is also the shortest path from s to x. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Assume EXTRACT -MIN(Q)=x. (s,x) is the shortest path using one edge. Why? Since (s, x) is the shortest among all edges starting from s. It is also the shortest path from s to x. Proof: (1) Suppose that path P: s->u…->x is the shortest path. Then w (s,u) w(s, x). (2) Since edges have non-negative weight, the total weight of path P is at least w(s,u) w(s, x). (3) So, the edge (s, x) is the shortest path from s to x. 2018/12/4 chapter25

u v 1 8 14 10 9 s 2 3 4 6 7 5 5 7 2 x y (c) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Statement: Suppose S={s, x} and d[y]=min d(v). ……(1) vV-S Then d[y] is the cost of the shortest, i.e., either s->x->y or (s->y) is the shortest path from s to y. Why? If (s, y) is the shortest path, d[y] is correct. Consider that case: s->x->y is the shortest path for y. Proof by contradiction. Assume that s->x->y is not the shortest path and that P1: s->yy->…->y is a shortest path and yyS. (At this moment, we already tried the case for yy=s and yy=x in the alg.) Thus, w(P1)< w(s->x->y). (from assumption: s->x-Y is not the shortest) Since w(e)0 for any e, w(s->yy)<w(P1)<w(s->x->y). Therefore, d[yy]<d[y] and (1) is not true. 2018/12/4 chapter25

u v 1 8 13 10 9 s 2 3 4 6 7 5 5 7 2 x y (d) 2018/12/4 chapter25

7 9 5 8 10 2 1 3 4 6 s u v x y (e) 2018/12/4 chapter25

u v 1 8 9 10 9 s 2 3 4 6 7 5 5 7 2 x y (f) 2018/12/4 chapter25

Theorem: Let S be the set in algorithm and d[y]=min d(v). ……(1) vV-S Then d[y] is the cost of the shortest. (hard part) Proof: Assume that (1) for any v in S, y[v] is the cost of the shortest path. We want to show that d[y] is also the cost of the shortest path after execution of Step (a) If the shortest path from s to v contains vertices in S ONLY, then d[v] is the length of the shortest. Assume that (2) d[y] is NOT the cost of the shortest path from s to y and that P1: s…->yy->…->y is a shortest path and yyS is the 1st node in P1 not in S. Thus, w(P1)<d[y]. So, w(s…->yy)<w(P1). (weight of edge >=0) Thus, w(s…->yy)<w(P1)<d[y]. From (1) and (2), after execution of step (a) d[yy]w(s…->yy). Therefore, d[yy]<d[y] and (1) is not true. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Time complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Time complexity depends on implementation of the adaptable priority. Method 1: Use an array to story the Queue EXTRACT -MIN(Q) --takes O(|V|) time. Totally, there are |V| EXTRACT -MIN(Q)’s. time for |V| EXTRACT -MIN(Q)’s is O(|V|2). RELAX(u,v,w) --takes O(1) time. Totally |E| RELAX(u, v, w)’s are required. time for |E| RELAX(u,v,w)’s is O(|E|). Total time required is O(|V|2+|E|)=O(|V|2) Backtracking with [] gives the shortest path in inverse order. Method 2: The adaptable priority queue is implemented as a heap. It takes O(log |V|) time to do EXTRACT-MIN(Q) and O(log |V|) time for each RELAX(u, v, w)’s. The total running time is O((|V|+|E|)log |V|)=O(|E|log |V|) assuming the graph is connected. When |E| is O(|V|) the second implementation is better. If |E|=O(|V|2), then the first implementation is better. 2018/12/4 chapter25

Method 3: The priority queue is implemented as a Fibonacci heap Method 3: The priority queue is implemented as a Fibonacci heap. It takes O(log |V|) time to do EXTRACT-MIN(Q) and O(1) time to decrease the key value of an entry. The total running time is O(|V|log |V|+|E|). (not required) 2018/12/4 chapter25