Consider alternative perspectives Critically reconsider your view “Learning Styles” EDU 330: Educational Psychology Daniel Moos, PhD Articulate your views on key topics addressed in readings/video (learning styles, conformity, etc) Consider alternative perspectives Critically reconsider your view
Discussion What can you do to facilitate a meaningful discussion? (record on board) Respect Respectfully challenge one another by asking questions Refrain from personal attacks & focus on ideas Draw from personal experience/ do not generalize (“I” instead of “you”, “we” or “they”) Body language Body language and nonverbal responses can be as affirming or disrespectful as words Participation Participate as much as you can: our learning community is enhanced by the inclusion of individual opinions, voices, and perspectives The goal of participation is not to all agree; it is to gain a deeper understanding
Go Meta! Articulate your view on key topics 4 Corners Discussion 1. Prepare: generate statement with alternative perspectives (controversial) 2. Present: Read statement without giving choices and ask students to respond (already did with reaction paper) 3. Commit to a corner: A (strongly agree), B (agree), C (disagree), D (strongly disagree) 4. Discuss in groups and then report out
4 Corners Discussion Perspective from not so hypothetical teacher Why would I completely adapt to my students’ learning styles? When they get out into the real world, they are not going to be in a situation where they are able to choose how to demonstrate what they know and what they have done. They are going to have to learn how to get things done in whatever context they are in. So, won’t I just be setting up my students for failure if I always adapt to their learning style?
Go Meta! 2. Consider alternative perspectives Forced Discussion 1. Assign students to one of three groups 2. Prepare (handout on alternative perspectives) 3. Discuss (groups 1-3 classroom; 4-6 atrium) 1+4: Support Sir Ken Robinson 2+5: Counter Sir Ken Robinson 3+6: Moderate & Facilitate (questions, format of questions, layout of discussion)
Go Meta! 3. Critically reconsider your view Reflection after discussion Revisit reflection paper written for this class Underline = views that have been strengthened through today’s discussion (add rationale on side) ? = views that you now question because of today’s discussion + = new views, ideas, and/or questions generated by today’s discussion (add to side)