Introduction to Interactive White Boards: Today: SmartBoards By Jim Olsen, Western Illinois University
What are they? – common characteristics The SmartBoard and other interactive whiteboards allow you to: Use the screen as a computer. Use an Internet browser (i.e., IE). Use any piece of software (i.e., Word, Excel, Geometer’s Sketchpad). Use the screen as a White Board. Hand-write directly on the screen, and the information is saved. Use multiple screens of information (new slide!), creating a “slide show.” Have information (perhaps even typed) on the slides ahead of time (before class).
SMARTBoard SMART Notebook Big physical screen. Stand alone device. It is an input device for the computer! (like a mouse or keyboard) Plugs in to the computer (USB). Use your finger as the mouse to point, click, and drag. Use the “markers” to write (color is set by the tray you use). SMART Notebook Is the software than runs the SMARTBoar.d
Why Use it? Allows for class interactivity. Show it rather than just tell about it. Has interactive power that PowerPoint does not have! Allows for ease of application change It is great for explaining progressive clicks in software or Internet. Great for visual representations. Students love to come to the board and move things around.
I like to use SMART Notebook… To make screencasting videos to demonstrate something (solving an equation for example) with steps Use it without an actual SMARTBoard (just my computer screen). Use voice audio explanation.
More Notes Demonstration Website: Software* (free trial download) can be used even without the SmartBoard For SmartBoards it is best to have the SmartBoard (and the projector) permanently mounted and get the cords out from under foot. Files can be saved and made available to (absent) students. Files can be viewed using the *software or files can be saved as a PDF. Demonstration