Professional Tutor Conference 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Tutor Conference 2017 University of Brighton ITE Secondary Partnership

2016/17: Thank you All trainees exceeded the minimum standard in their final assessment Employment rates well above the sector average Record retention rates – 94% Trainees highly rated school based training: 93% said quality of school based training was very good Trainees highly rated their safeguarding training: 100% said quality of preparation for this responsibility was very good/good Employment rates last year recorded was that every single one looking for a job gained one!

2016/17: Thank you This is thanks to your hard work and expertise and the work of all members of our partnership

Final School-based training grades (all secondary) Overall 63% 36% 1% TS1 65% 33% 2% TS2 49% 48% 3% TS3 59% 5% TS4 60% 34% 6% TS5 38% 53% 9% TS6 45% TS7 46% 47% 7% TS8 78% 21% Key points: We are looking for 2 and above for all standards – based on this v. strong performance Nevertheless we also focus on grade 1 as aspire for all trainees to become outstanding teachers In terms of year on year comparison largely the same as previous year although dip in Ts5, 6 and 7 for grade 1 These inform improvement priorities which we take seriously as means to build on strengths and ensure that we continue to improve 100% judged as having high standard personal and professional conduct

Identifying improvement priorities: your voice matters… School-based training grades and comments Trainee school-based training evaluations Trainee end of course surveys Partnership survey of professional tutors, mentors and class teachers Link Tutor reports Professional Tutor conference feedback Partnership in Education Strategic Committee University tutor feedback Programme boards Consultation Points here is that we assess and utilise wide range of evidence which we triangulate to identify key areas.

2017/18: Partnership Improvement Priorities To embed the Partnership response to the Independent Teacher Workload Review Group recommendations relating to: ·     Planning and teaching resources ·     Marking ·     Data management To further develop the quality of training following the Post-Carter Review Group reports recommendations To strengthen support for NQTs and alumni of the University of Brighton ITE Partnership 4. Further develop training in TS2, TS5, TS6 and TS7

Supporting workload Planning – embedding use of core elements and planning across a sequence of lessons. Core principle – effective and efficient. Data management – making an informed use of data. Understanding and using a variety of effective ways of tracking pupil learning and progress. Marking – developing effective and efficient practices. Joint marking. Further develop in-school mentoring.

Embedding Post-Carter Core Content – Addressing new ITE ‘curriculum’ in place. Key areas: Inclusion, pupil mental health, subject and curriculum knowledge, informed use of research, strengthening memory Behaviour – routines, relationships and responses. Practice and develop. Mentoring– use of mentor standards, mentor training and support, mentor selection

Trainee attainment in TS2, TS5, TS6 and TS7 EAL Further Priorities Secondary: Trainee attainment in TS2, TS5, TS6 and TS7 EAL Numeracy across the curriculum Working with parents and carers Deploying support staff Deploying support staff – making use of time as a TA Parents and carers

Ongoing Essentials Pupil learning and progress Safeguarding (KCSiE, Prevent, FGM, CSE) Trainee wellbeing Use of data Promoting British Values Pupil learning and progress might be too obvious to include but needs to be said!

We look forward to our continued and effective work in partnership in 17/18 and beyond Please do not hesitate to contact us at any point with successes, queries, concerns or suggestions.