Opportunities in the community Building a women’s program to help women grow an empowered future
Why women only? Surviving Connecting Feeling Women’s challenges are sometimes linked to traumatic experiences with males. Healing these wounds can be more difficult with male peers present. Models for women, stress relationships, identity, self-esteem, and empowerment for overall well-being. The three most prominent themes for women’s programming are: Surviving Connecting Feeling Women’s challenges are sometimes linked to traumatic experiences with males. Healing these wounds can be more difficult with male peers present. Models for women, stress relationships, identity, self-esteem, and empowerment for overall well-being. The three most prominent themes for women’s programming are surviving, connecting and feeling
Survive, connect & feel Prior to encounters with the criminal justice system, some women described experiences of hardship, violence, abuse, loss and chaos. Their survival reflects the remarkable strength and resilience of women. SURVIVE Prior to encounters with the criminal justice system, some women described experiences of hardship, violence, abuse, loss and chaos. Their survival reflects the remarkable strength and resilience of women.
Survive, connect & feel Women will be ambivalent, guarded and fearful upon entering a new program. The turning point to a change in attitude can be the first meaningful connection with another woman who had been through something similar. CONNECT Women can be ambivalent, guarded and fearful upon entering a new program. The turning point can be the first meaningful connection with another woman who has been through something similar. Connecting to peers who are further along in the stages of change shows participants that perhaps a different way of living is possible. Women see glimpses of their lives in others. Women, whose lives and histories resemble their own, are powerful role models. These connections are not only a source of hope, but are evidence that such hope was justified.
Survive, connect & feel Feeling identification Labelling of emotion We begin this process through feeling identification and labelling. For example: If I am feeling something. What is it? Which emotion is it? If it is sadness inside what am I showing others? Is it the sadness I feel or anger? Because anger is easier and less painful to deal with. Sometimes just understanding that this is what I am doing is powerful, and opens the door for more honest, future conversations.
Video start – 3:30 http://youtu.be/WeQPWnCpuvY
Women A T R isk “There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anais Nin Opportunities for Independence offers a range of residential, alternative vocational programming, living skills training, and therapeutic programs for intellectually disabled youth and adults who are at risk or involved in the criminal justice system.
Women at Risk In the past the majority of participants at OFI have been men. However, our agency has seen an increase in the number of female referrals. In response, OFI has developed a program for women at risk (WAR). Grounded in a feminist perspective, this program seeks to empower women by building upon their own strengths and teaching new skills In the past the majority of participants at OFI have been men. However, our agency has seen an increase in the number of female referrals. In response, OFI has developed a program for women at risk (WAR). Grounded in a feminist perspective, this program seeks to empower women by building upon their own strengths and teaching new skills
WAR Healthy and positive relationships Positive peer relationships Safety planning Understanding consent Sex. Ed and healthy sexuality Self image and body image Trust building Legal rights and issues Educational needs – survival literacy Building community As our program developed these were some of the key components we focused on: Healthy and positive relationships Positive peer relationships Safety planning Understanding consent Sex. Ed and healthy sexuality Self image and body image Trust building Educational needs – survival literacy Legal rights and issues Building community
War in Practice Helping one to understand a probation order and scheduling probations meetings Helping women overcome animosity in group setting Learning what defines abuse, learning the right to say “No” Free condoms and feminine hygiene products How do those needs and skills get translated into practice? READ! In addition, I ran an informal group on self-image and female empowerment in the media. We looked at images of women in magazines and discussed how it made us feel to see women objectified and sexualized. To make the group more empowering we then found women that we looked up to in the media or on TV that more accurately represented ‘us’ and read some stories about their lives and challenges they have overcome. Workshops Life skills such as cooking