Parent Orientation
Mrs. Dunbar Math Curriculum Binder Number, Patterns & Relationships, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics & Probability Binder Daily Work, Mental Math, Timed Multiplication, Weekly Skills, Extra Practice, Assessments, Looseleaf Table of Contents
Math … continued Multiplication Facts Nightly homework Textbook: Math Makes Sense 6 Regular quizzes & end of unit tests
Mrs. Dunbar Science Curriculum Dou-tang Occasional homework Electricity Space Diversity of Life Flight Dou-tang Occasional homework Textbook: Science 6 In class assessment activities; Quizzes
Mrs. Dunbar Health Curriculum Dou-tang Healthy Self Healthy Relationships Healthy Community Dou-tang Rarely homework – a lot of in class participation & assessment activities
Technology Riverside Homepage Class Website Public Portal Class Website Math videos Homework posted daily Online copy of math and science textbook Public Portal Login information is the same as elementary school – contact the office if you need login information
Step Program Program to deal with behavior issues Steps will be issued from the office and home will be contacted Unless there is a serious incident – I will contact you before student is referred to the office and “steps” are considered
In Good Standing (IGS) School based support for students to be up to date on assessment work Voluntary Students may choose to attend to work on homework Mandatory Teachers require students to attend when assessed work has not been completed Students eat lunch in the IGS Room
Homework Assigned daily allow students time to practice skills complete what has not been finished in class All assigned homework is to go home with the student each night – finished or not
Agendas Students copy homework into their agenda each day 6-5 students: I sign the agenda each day and ask parents to sign as well 6-6 students: Homework will be written on the homework board in their homeroom class to be copied during morning announcements Available on Class Website If a student is not able to complete homework a note/ email from home is appreciated
Extra Help Available at the beginning of lunch I am often in the classroom before school and recess times
Absences Please call the office or email your child’s homeroom teacher It is the student’s responsibility to see all teachers to get missed work and are expected to complete missed work in a timely fashion Vacations – work missed will be available when the student returns to school. Work packages will not be provided in advance.
General Tidbits Personal Communication and Entertainment Devices Gum chewing privilege Lockers 6 Day Cycle schedules provided to students Extra-Curricular encourage students to be involved
Thank you for coming! We look forward to working with you and your chid this year!