AP Environmental Exam Monday, May 4, 2015
The Exam: 3 hours long NO CALCULATORS!!!!! 1 ½ hours for multiple choice Some math involved Some recall of basic facts Usually 100 questions Avg score is “supposed “ to be 50% 80% considered to be good (4 or 5) score You are seeing example questions on your weekly quizzes! Will also see questions on your unit tests/final exams!
More on the Multiple Choice Multiple choice –don’t bring cell phones into the room Don’t get flustered if you don’t know them all, remember 50% is the average Skip questions you know nothing about. Don’t dwell on them. Come back later and guess. There may be hints to make a better guess later. Graders have trouble getting them all correct Watch your time Use any time left to go over skipped or unsure questions. Make sure to erase completely (get a good eraser)
Free Response Questions 1 ½ hours for free response Four questions 10 pts each One data set, one document based, 2 synthesis and evaluation Avg grade meant to be 5/10. Usually lower than this Usually 3-5 parts in each question May have elaboration pts. Possible to score more than 10 points, but only ten counted. Limit on maximum # of pts/section 22 ½ minutes/question Neatness does not count BUT must be in complete sentences!!!! Sequential questions are common “Using your answer in c(i), answer this question in c(ii)” Rubrics are used
It’s like a “sandwich…” Must show “college knowledge” Answer the question-no intro/conclusion Can you… Expand on it, not just give a right answer? Give a layered answer: 4-5 things “specific”
Other resources are on my website!!!! We will be reviewing before the exam Throughout the year I will be adding extra resources under the review tab. Mrsblanksapes.weebly.com
Time to try it! We are going to try one our own…timed. Don’t panic-this is to give you the feel for the type of questions. Later, we will grade a few student responses. You will also get practice with the unit tests.