FY17 Performance - November
FY17 Performance - YTD % to Revenue FY17 YTD FY16 YTD 5,834,793.22 5,374,252.01 89%
Value Stream Mapping, Dashboard Development December 19 & 20 Client Engagement through Cash Collection PfP A3 Objectives linkage through Finance A3 Objectives Drill Down Process Map – Client Engagement through Cash Collection; Effective Visual Communication within PfP Process Improvement – Productivity/Efficiency Gains – Premier Health Organization Work Session Agenda Cash position Current finance packet report Billing & Payment Processes A/R Model – Billing to Receipt, 100% Complete 12 – 6 – 3 Month Rolling Average Revenue Forecast Model FTE Health Coaches Billable Hours ACT Team – Monthly Contacts ~$115/Contact Residential Specialists ~$200/Contact Grant Revenue
Value Stream Mapping, Dashboard Development December 19 & 20 Client Engagement through Cash Collection
Value Stream Mapping, Dashboard Development December 19 & 20 Client Engagement through Cash Collection We arrived at our next steps to build the Revenue Forecast Model – Laura & I will meet with you for 30 minutes at 3 pm on January 3rd, prior to our Executive Committee Meeting, and walk through our recommendations on how to get this done without disruption to the organization (gathering new data, why are we gathering data, etc.) – included is what people/functions will be involved, estimate of # of man hours, time frame to complete (4-5 weeks?) After our meeting, based on your input, we can present it to the Executive Committee (5 minute discussion) on January 3. After the Executive Committee approval, I believe we should meet with the 3 Clinical Directors & possibly Gary Morse & Jamie Greenfield to get their “buy-in “ to our process; the process focused on our time spent with clients, helping them on their journey – this is not a process designed to find “poor performers”. We discussed this briefly during our September Finance meeting. I believe this process assists our Health Coaches provide effective assistance to our clients. The 3 Clinical Directors & HR should help us craft the message we send the organization (formally or informally) to keep this on a positive, helpful activity. At a mutually agreed upon start date (Feb 1, mid-Feb, March 1) we will begin the development of the Revenue Forecast model. We are excited to begin this journey – definitely an important step to becoming a premier health organization.