Say the word techniques
Routines or methods that help you do something techniques Routines or methods that help you do something
Helen’s parents taught her climbing techniques.
Do you have techniques to help you ….? play sports or talk
Say the word specially
If something has been made just for you specially If something has been made just for you
Helen’s boots were made specially for her.
Which would be specially made for someone….? a pencil or a cast for a broken arm
Say the word struggle
when you try extra hard to do something struggle when you try extra hard to do something
Helen had to struggle to climb Mt. Taranaki.
Would you struggle with learning something new or getting help from your teacher?
Say the word traction
What keeps you from sliding when you walk up a hill or across ice traction What keeps you from sliding when you walk up a hill or across ice
Helen’s spiked boots gave her traction.
Would you need traction to ride your bike on a rough road or on a slippery uphill road?
Say the word agile
moving quickly and easily agile moving quickly and easily
Mia was good at playing soccer because she was agile.
Do you have to be agile to play…? basketball or a board game
Say the word spectator
when you go to watch a game or a show spectator when you go to watch a game or a show
The spectator cheered when Mia scored.
Would you be a spectator if you were watching a football game or playing in a football game?
Say the word competitive
when you try hard to win or to be the best competitive when you try hard to win or to be the best
Mia was a competitive player.
Would you be more competitive…? in a jump rope contest while sleeping or
Say the word worthwhile
when you decide that something is important worthwhile when you decide that something is important
It was worthwhile for Mia to learn to lose as well as win.
Is it worthwhile to cheat or play fairly?