CESA #4 YA Day of Learning June 21, 2018
Welcome!! Introductions YA Day at the Capitol YA Day of Learning 2018 6/21/2018 Welcome!! Introductions YA Day at the Capitol Show 2:06:09 to 2:13:40 Iris Quinlan testifying before the Assembly Committee on Workforce Development
Program Operations Program Operations Manual, 2018-2019 Number off 1 to 3 -1’s: Read Chapter 3, pp. 6-10 -2’s: Read Chapter 4, pp. 11-13 plus pp. 24-25 -3’s: Read Chapter 5, pp. 14-19 What is important for your colleagues (who didn’t read this section) to know? What new knowledge did you gain? What do you have questions about? #1
Statutory Requirements At least 80% of Level 1 or Level 2 graduating Youth Apprentices must receive a high school diploma on completion of the program. At least 60% of Level 2 YA Graduates must be offered employment by the employer that provided the on-the-job training for the youth apprentice, on completion of the program. #2
Program Performance Standards At least 75% of the youth apprentices enrolled in the program are expected to successfully complete the program and receive a Level 1 or 2 YA certificate. Actual enrollment at close of grant should be no less than 85% of planned enrollment. At least 60% of graduating seniors completing with a Level 1 or 2 YA certificate should be offered employment in an occupation within their training area. #2
HS Credit for Work-based Learning Secondary and Post-Secondary Credit for Youth Apprentices School districts must provide credit toward graduation for the youth apprenticeship-related instruction and the work-based learning component of the program. The amount of credit for each component is to be determined by each school district. #3
Foundation Documents Education and Training Agreement (ETA) #4 Education and Training Agreement (ETA) Student Registration Form Student Application and Recommendation Form – EVERY DISTRICT MUST HAVE SOME TYPE OF APPLICATION FORM FOR EVERY STUDENT THAT APPLIES. Checklist Post-Program Completion Survey Termination Form #5 #6 Based on Program Area #7 #8
Year End Activities Based on Program Area Student Documentation -Completed Checklist, verification of hours, and transcript with related instruction identified -Post Program Completion Survey for all students completing a Level 1 or Level 2 Financial Documentation -Claim form -Supporting documentation -for claimed amount -for Match amount #9 and #10
Consortium Status 2018-2019 Participating Districts #11 2018-2019 Participating Districts YA Program Over Time Status Report Steering Committee 2017-2018 Employer List #12 #13 #14 #15
Work-Based Learning Checklists -Number off 1 through 4 around the room -1’s together, 2’s together, 3’s together, 4’s together Review the checklists you are given for: *Differences in the Requirement formats (ie – how many units for a Level 1? required plus optional competencies? ) *The competencies themselves (ie – consistency in Core Skills and Safety, competencies that may be challenging for students, etc) *What businesses in your region might be prospective employers in this Program Area?
YA Day of Learning 2018 6/21/2018 Child Labor Laws #16 Beth Barroilhet Acting Labor Standards Bureau Director Email: Elizabeth.Barroilhet@dwd.wisconsin.gov Phone: (608) 267-4410 Jim Chiolino has taken a new position with the DWD Equal Rights Division (ERD) as their Civil Rights Bureau Director. Go to Jim’s ppt
Mentor Training Revised Mentor Training Guide Scenarios #17 Revised Mentor Training Guide Scenarios Use the resources available to you in the Mentor Training Guide, online at the CESA 4 website, or the DWD website. Work together to determine what would best meet the mentor’s needs for training.
Maintaining Documentation #18
Maintaining Documentation What do you currently keep on site at the school? What would you recommend to a new school coordinator for documentation kept on site?
Amy Grotzke and Anne Allen-Wyman Partnering Workforce Development Services: Amy Grotzke and Anne Allen-Wyman
Funding and Resources Grant Budget OSHA 10 (www.careersafeonline.com) #19 Grant Budget OSHA 10 (www.careersafeonline.com) Job Hunting Skills workbook Stand-up Banner Table Top display Flyers, cards, other handouts Folders for meetings, employers, etc
Appreciation Gifts Tumblers – YA Students Popsockets – YA students Golf Towels - Employers Tote bags – Employers YA Name Tags for School Coordinators – confirm your name from the Orange Sheet
YA Employer Seminar Internships and Apprenticeships Event September 19, 2018 Cranberry Country Lodge in Tomah 9:00 - noon
Registered Apprenticeship To be determined Apprenticeship Training Representative (ATR) 608-785-9176 Workforce Development Center 2615 East Avenue South Suite 101 La Crosse, WI 54601 Guiding Documents YA to RA Bridge #20 #21
YA Day of Learning 2018 6/21/2018 Other topics???
CESA #4 YA Website: http://www. cesa4. k12. wi CESA #4 YA Website: http://www.cesa4.k12.wi.us/programs/cte-youthapprenticeship.cfm DWD YA Website: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/youthapprenticeship/programs.htm# Contact Information: Sherri Torkelson storkelson@cesa4.org 608-786-4855 Amanda Langrehr alangrehr@cesa4.org 608-786-4810 JoAnn Martin, Program Assistant jmartin@cesa4.org 608-786-4854