AIM: Design an experiment. DO NOW: 1 AIM: Design an experiment! DO NOW: 1. Take a copy of the design activity. DO NOT read through it!!!! Wait for instruction =) HW: 1. Lab # 23 due Tuesday 2. Temp variations take home quiz due Tuesday
WHAT ARE OUR GOALS FOR THIS PERIOD? Read through the lab activity carefully Create a hypothesis following the guidelines in the handout Create a list of steps for our experiment that could be duplicated by another group Decide on how we will present our findings (Data table, chart, graph)
AIM: Design an experiment. Day 2 (PERIOD 1 AND 6) DO NOW: 1 AIM: Design an experiment! Day 2 (PERIOD 1 AND 6) DO NOW: 1. Take out activity. Take a copy of the “Final Copy “ on way in. This is lab # 24. HW: 1. Lab # 23 due Tuesday 2. Temp variations take home quiz due Tuesday 3. Lab # 24 due Friday
AIM: What is MOISTURE. (Period 4 and 9) DO NOW: 1. Take out activity AIM: What is MOISTURE??? (Period 4 and 9) DO NOW: 1. Take out activity. The final copy is lab # 24. 2. In your own words….try and define the word HUMIDITY! HW: 1. Lab # 23 due Tuesday 2. Temp variations take home quiz due Tuesday 3. Lab # 24 due Friday
1. SOLID (ICE/SNOW) 2. LIQUID (RAIN) 3. GAS (WATER VAPOR) What is moisture? Water found in one of its three forms: 1. SOLID (ICE/SNOW) 2. LIQUID (RAIN) 3. GAS (WATER VAPOR)
Which container can hold more soda? WHY?????
Which air mass has more space between its molecules? Warm air has more space to hold water vapor Cold air has less space
Why does precipitation occur? Air can only hold a certain amount of water vapor before it will overfill and condense This is known as capacity
Every 10 degree Celsius increase doubles the air’s capacity Every 10 degree Celsius decrease cuts capacity in half
AIM: How do all these moisture variables relate to each other AIM: How do all these moisture variables relate to each other??? (PD 1) DO NOW: Without the help of your notes from yesterday….complete the handout! Take out lab 23 and quiz due today HW: Review due tomorrow Quick quiz on relationships next week sometime
WHAT DID WE LEARN YESTERDAY? The warmer the air mass, the ___________________________ space between the air molecules. ______________________________ is the amount of water vapor that an air mass can hold within the air molecules. The Sun could ___________________________________ liquid water from oceans and large bodies of water to increase moisture in the air. A drop in temperature will decrease the air’s ___________________________ to hold water vapor.
Humidity Moisture content of the atmosphere I am having a bad hair day! Moisture content of the atmosphere Relative Humidity – the percentage of moisture in the air.
50% relative humidity means that the air is holding half of the water it is capable of holding
100% relative humidity is when the air is holding all of the water vapor it can possibly hold – air is fully saturated and probably precipitating
AIM: How do all these moisture variables relate to each other AIM: How do all these moisture variables relate to each other??? (PERIOD 4) DO NOW: Without the help of your notes from yesterday….complete the handout! HW: Lab # 23 and Temp. take home quiz due tomorrow. Quick quiz on relationships next week sometime
WHAT DID WE LEARN YESTERDAY? The warmer the air mass, the ___________________________ space between the air molecules. ______________________________ is the amount of water vapor that an air mass can hold within the air molecules. The Sun could ___________________________________ liquid water from oceans and large bodies of water to increase moisture in the air. A drop in temperature will decrease the air’s ___________________________ to hold water vapor.
What has to happen to the air temperature for water vapor to change phase and condense into a liquid? IT MUST COOL!
But… much does it have to cool????? Air temperature must drop (cool) to the DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE for condensation to occur. 32
This represents a parcel of air 20 °C 20 °C This is moisture 0 °C HOW FULL IS IT?
How could this air mass become 100% full? Drop its temp! 10 °C 0 °C
At this point the air is said to be SATURATED Relative Humidity is 100% The dew point and relative humidity can be found with an instrument called a sling psychrometer 35
CLOUD FORMATION What motion will warm air have? What happens to air temperature as we increase elevation in the Troposphere? What is happening to the difference between air temp and dew point temp? If the air is full of moisture, what phase change will occur when the air temp and dew point temp are equal?
AIM: Review of Moisture (Pd 4 and 9) DO NOW:1 AIM: Review of Moisture (Pd 4 and 9) DO NOW:1. Take out lab 23 and quiz 2. Answer regents station model question from your notes packet HW:TBA
Merrick Ave. Middle School Tuesday, January 8th at 7:15 am WHY????
Fill in the blanks….. warm Yesterday….a __________ air mass moved in. This air mass has a _______ capacity…..therefore it can hold _______ water vapor. During the night temp. __________, capacity _________ and air temp. got _________ to dewpoint temp. When the two temps. were __________, the air mass is said to be ___________ higher more dropped decreased closer equal saturated
Dew point and R.H. facts to know Dew point temp. will always be either LOWER or EQUAL to actual air temp. The bigger the difference, the dryer the air mass As Dew point increases R.H. increases As air temp. decreases R.H increases The WET BULB temp. will always be either LOWER or EQUAL to the dry bulb