Health Ingenuity Exchange - HingX Open Health Tools project initially sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation – initially known as HEART HingX provides: a global resource registry with relationships between resources a reference repository access to other repositories Objective is to enable the registration of all Health related ICT resources globally HL7 has been a co-sponsor to fulfill the requirements of the Shared Artifact Repository that is the cornerstone of HL7’s interdependent Tooling Architecture 12/4/2018
HingX Alpha Project Participation Existing PSS approved by TSC – Project Insite #904 The Alpha Project Agreement signed in August HingX project was at an Alpha Release State in September became a base release in December most recent release this week announced general availability HL7 is pilot with a limited number of projects Tooling Publishing Templates SOA Work Groups testing the current capabilities and identifying essential enhancements Provided feedback on need for enhancements to APIs 12/4/2018 12/4/2018
Deliverables from Alpha Participation OHT Registry/Repository Initial Requirements Report HingX Best Practices presentations HingX Registry/Repository Metadata Management Requirements Report HL7 Artifact types and primary relationships for artifacts included in HingX (documented in HingX) HL7 Summary Report on participation in the HingX Alpha Program 12/4/2018
OHT Registry/Repository Initial Requirements Report Initial Business Requirements and System Requirements based on HL7 Templates Business Requirements document Completed February 2012 12/4/2018
HingX Best Practices presentations Powerpoint presentations on how HingX works and best practices for managing resources based on User Group configuration and User Roles Still in development, testing this week 12/4/2018
HingX Registry/Repository Metadata Management Requirements Report Requirements for managing metadata over time to ensure coherence of concepts that apply to all resources as well as those metadata attributes that only apply to specific types of resources. Includes managing changes from external repositories using API type interfaces rather than manual updates. Not Started 12/4/2018
HL7 Artifact types and primary relationships for artifacts Descriptions of each HL7 specification component type and the inter-relationships of all artifacts included in a normative edition for all HL7 specification Establishes the pattern of artifact types to enable registry of all standards to ensure consistency Not Started 12/4/2018
HL7 summary report on Alpha HingX participation Final report to HingX project identifying how HL7 is using HingX: Summary statistics on User Groups, Users, Resources added Summary of suggestions for improvement and which ones were included in HingX releases. Recommendation to HL7 to continue with HingX or not and implications of either choice Not Started 12/4/2018