Cooking up Knowledge Management (KM): Recipes for Practitioners Global Health Mini-University March 7, 2014
Learning Objectives Participants in our test kitchen will understand: Emerging and tried & true KM strategies How to choose appropriate KM strategies How to tie KM approaches into project or organizational goals
Instructions for Knowledge Café Choose two KM topics to attend in two 20 minute sessions Head Chef at each table will briefly present topic Group discusses and contributes knowledge nuggets at the end of the session
Knowledge Café Topics Data visualization: Naheed Ahmed, Blended learning: Sara Mazursky M&E of KM: Saori Ohkubo Content curation: Simone Parrish Integrating social media into organizational KM, Taj Sheriff and Dan Campbell Managing knowledge across boundaries: Patricia Mantey
A Recipe For: Data Visualization From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus What is Data Visualization? Graphical display of abstract information for two purposes: sense-making (also called data analysis) and communication. Stephen Few, Information Dashboard Design Key Data Visualization Points Information visualization does not depend on software. Visualizations not just art, but a form of communication that should respect journalistic [research] standards. Visualizations are first about structure and story telling. Alberto Cairo, Introduction to Visualization (MOOC)
A Recipe For: Data Visualization From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Characteristics of Effective Visualizations Clearly indicates the nature of the relationship. Represents the quantities accurately. Able to compare quantities easily. Ranked order of values. Audience able to understand what they should do with information. Stephen Few, Data Visualization for Human Perception
A Recipe For: Blended Learning From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Combination of learning media and learning environments Enables more opportunities for knowledge application
A Recipe For: M&E of Knowledge Management From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Mission & Objectives KM Activities & Products M&E Plan o Process indicators o Output indicators o Outcome indicators Flavor Shape Design o Liners o Frosting o Toppings It is as fun as making cupcakes!
A Recipe For: M&E of Knowledge Management From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Your KM M&E Cook Book Unique KM Logic Model 42 common indicators Wide coverage of KM outputs Emerging themes Social media Usability assessment Web analytics Community of practice Practical methods and tools Extensive list of references
A Recipe For: Usability, Readability, and Curation From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus
A Recipe For: Usability, Readability, and Curation From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Usability Effective Curation Readability Ease of Use: Access/infrastructure Digital literacy / web standards Learnability: People want to learn by looking If you need a how-to, you need a redesign Iterative Improvements: Feedback loops Quick tests (information architecture, usability testing) 6 testers = 80% of findings
A Recipe For: Usability, Readability, and Curation From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Usability Effective Curation Read- ability Reading Levels / Primary Languages: General public = 8 th grade reading level Lower literacy = different patterns (scan versus skim) Jargon: Understanding versus Alienation Insiders and Outsiders Makes translation more challenging
A Recipe For: Usability, Readability, and Curation From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Usability Effective Curation Readability Knowing your audience What are their knowledge needs? Gaps Expertise level Content needs--specific or broad? Search vs. serve Getting around TL;DR
A Recipe For: Integrating Social Media into Organizational KM From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Background Integrating social media into KM requires a knowledge manager to think a little differently about what knowledge management is and how to go about it. In some ways social media challenges traditional knowledge management. Knowledge managers need to adapt to it and figure out how to use it for good or risk being marginalized. Social media is mainly focused around the individual rather than the organization, or around formally established communities. This can be both positive and negative depending on your goals.
Challenges in integrating social media into organizational KM Defining the role of the knowledge manager Facilitating social media communities Curating social media content Striking a balance between personal and organizational KM Using social media to build relationships and create linkages Unclear methods for quality assurance and fact checking Hard for organizations or teams to capture and retain their knowledge if individual social media channels (twitter, Facebook, blogs) are used Loss of control over how knowledge is exchanged A Recipe For: Integrating Social Media into Organizational KM From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus
A Recipe For: Managing Knowledge Across Boundaries From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Challenges: How do you overcome barriers: cultural, language, and technological to connect and share knowledge and information? How do you select the right tools and platforms to accommodate your users and audiences?
A Recipe For: Managing Knowledge Across Boundaries From the Kitchens of: K4Health and WASHplus Challenges: How do you mix different tools and approaches to accommodate different user needs and technology access? What approaches are you using to connect with groups and individuals both on of off the grid?
The Closing Session will begin at 4pm in the Grand Ballroom. Closing remarks will be followed by a 30-minute social gathering (refreshments will be served). Come meet new people and discuss the highlights of the day! Please fill out an evaluation by going to this sessions page on your mobile app OR by filling out a paper evaluation in the back of the room. Thank you!