LoA Project Highlights Mr. Kong Pheach Director of Agro-Industry department Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries GMS Working Group on Agriculture
1. Outputs: Contract farming tools (guideline, CF format, draft letter of agreement) were be ready for use; Contract farming training materials were produced; 32 agricultural technical officers (Women: 28.1%) were trained; 278 smallholder and farmers (Women: 38.8%) and 29 buyers (Women: 31%) were trained; Note: Examples should include in-country inputs to CASP regional activities where applicable as well as national activities. Use the summary of country progress from the 2015 Annual Progress Report as reference.
1. Outputs: 2 demonstration sites/plots on contract farming model were established in Battambang province (Cucumber) and in Pailin province (Longan); 32 farms/famer associations were registered and signed contract farming with 14 buyers/companies; 3000 leaflets and 68 DVDs with 04 video spots of activities were produced. Note: Examples should include in-country inputs to CASP regional activities where applicable as well as national activities. Use the summary of country progress from the 2015 Annual Progress Report as reference.
2. Outcomes: Economic (livelihood, income generation); Women participation and empowerment; Social (reduce violence, increase job, return from city to community); Environment (climate change, reduce agrochemical use…); Support to agricultural policies and plans; and Knowledge and awareness in contract farming mechanism toward contract farming making/registration. Note: Examples should include in-country inputs to CASP regional activities where applicable as well as national activities. Use the summary of country progress from the 2015 Annual Progress Report as reference.
3. Lessons learned: Many farmers did not understand about contract farming ; The implementation of the contract is poor; Does not have contract on all crops, only longan and mango in Pailin province; Farmers who did not do contracts with buyers, could sell their products with cheap price and take risk in market accessibility;
3. Lessons learned: Used to have confliction between producers and buyers; Longan, cucumber and mango are still contracted slightly and did contracts by oral and written between producers and buyers; and No community for collecting mangoes in Pailin Province.
4. Issues: Lack of qualified trained personnel who are able to provide farming communities with relevant and efficient service in response to the local needs on contract farming; lack of farmers’ knowledge and skills related to contract farming; Inadequate opportunities for farmers to systematically share, discuss, analyze and resolve the problems they are facing by themselves;
4. Issues: Farmers have small land holding for cucumber farmers; Farmer use of high chemical input (fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide etc.); Lack of contract farming information; Lack of government coordination in purchasing and selling agricultural product; Price and market are not stable; and Farmer and buyer is not trust each other.
5. Best Practices: Contract farming could solve the problem to the producers and buyers easily, no need to go the court because having government coordination; The information about Contract farming was distribution widely to the officers, farmers, buyers; Contract farming is the good way to linking producers and buyers to do contracts of agricultural production;
5. Best Practices: CF help many farmers to get high income, provide knowledge and know-how of doing contract and planting crops, know more buyers than before, and fell safety and happily with their planting; Buyers could get more income too, they could fell safety to conduct contract; Trust between producers and buyers was increased; and The stability of price and market w
6. keys success Baseline data survey Review on existing material, guideline and procedure of contract farming Project launching workshop at provincial level TOT on contract farming to officers at provincial level Training to farmers and buyers Consultation meeting with farmers Exchange visit for farmers Facilitate farm registration Produce document (leaflet, DVD and Video spot of 04 activities) Project monitoring and evaluation
Baseline Survey TOT Exchange visit Training to farmers and buyers
7. The activities to be upscale: Strengthen the activities of PDA, who are the implementer of contract farming continually with the technical supporting from nation and provincial level; Continues the training of contract farming to farmers;
7. The activities to be upscale The nation level should organize the policies: Encouragement of importing (input) and exporting of agricultural products (reduce tax/duty free); Encouragement through facilitating of the registration and condition review of CF if there any requests from a party or both parties; Encouragement of credit accessibility of both parties (producer or buyer party); and Encouragement of conflict resolution outside court system.
For sustainable of contract farming, therefore attention may be focused on: Strengthening technical officers’ knowledge and capability on contact faming both in central departments and PDA; Strengthening producers and buyers’ knowledge and capability on doing contact faming; Dissemination of contact farming widely to all provinces in Cambodia, especially the provinces that have potential crops with contract farming, and the border provinces, too; Carry on improvement more linking producers and buyers to do contract farming through coordination of government’s institution.