Introduction to Memoir


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Memoir What is a memoir?

Getting started Open up to your next available page in your Writer’s Notebook On the top right hand corner, write todays date Tape in your handout We will be writing down only the underlined sentences in the blanks provided

When I say “memoir” you say… Brainstorm words that pop into your head when you hear the word “memoir” (individually) Work together to form a working definition of “memoir” (table group) Share and tweak your definitions(as a class)

Memoir is… A type of autobiographical nonfiction where a writer takes a reflective stance in looking back on a particular time in his or her life. A short text focused on a single incident that is meaningful to the author. OR

What is the purpose of memoir? Brainstorm in your small group. To reveal something important about yourself or your life. To leave something of you behind for others To bear witness (to say, “I was there when…”) To learn something about yourself To celebrate an important person or event in your life

Event vs. Experience A memoir is not just a retelling of an event; it’s an exploration through the thoughts, emotions, and importance tied to that event, by the author. Memoir isn’t the summary of a life; it’s a window into a slice of life. Different people may experience the same event in different ways.