IT Transformation: Special Education Maintenance of Effort Project Certification Committee (PCC) January 25, 2017 John Kraman, PED CIO Lisa Hamilton, Lisa Hamilton, PED Reporting & Data Quality Denise Koscielniak, PED Director of Federal Programs
Outline Agency mission System Overview Project Governance Plan The high level project overview including objectives, budget and timeline Project approach and management strategy Details on the solution Identify risks, issues, and mitigation strategies Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 1
Agency Mission To make New Mexico the fastest growing state in the nation when it comes to student outcomes – measured by NAEP, PARCC, graduation rate, and postsecondary remediation. Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 2
Current State w/Special Ed Local MOE Manual Extracts for Reports or Requests Quarterly Submission to STARS Manual Validation: PED Bureaus Report Manual District SIS Report Manual EDM M a n u a l STARS (student-level) Report Manual Report Manual Initial Validation Additional Manual Validation for Each Report Special Education Office Local MOE manual Integration OBMS (aggregate) Report Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 3
Phase 1 (FY2017): Ed-Fi Live Data Pilot w/Special Ed Local MOE Quarterly Submission to STARS Manual Validation: PED Bureaus District SIS EDM M a n u a l STARS Report Initial Validation Non-Pilot SPED MOE Required Data New Special Education Office Local MOE Review DV&TS: Connection DV&T S Operational Data Warehouse OBMS Data Validation and Transformation Service (DV&TS): Initial Pilot Districts Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 4
Project Stakeholders and Governance John Kraman, CIO Denise Koscielniak, Director of Federal Programs Mohammad Al-Gazzali Walters, Project Manager Program Lead Technical Lead Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 5
Project Overview Remove the MOE finding for New Mexico by the US Department of Education Decrease the ongoing time and effort required to complete the MOE report for local education agencies, state charters, and the PED. Districts, state charters and PED need to review and evaluate for compliance of the MOE related data prior to submission. Integrate the data from various sources into one system. Provide a flexible data dashboard that supports the MOE work for both the state and local education agencies (LEA) as well as state charters that is available through-out the year. Deliver a consistent and up-to-date snapshot of financial, student and performance data for the Special Education Program in general and specific to MOE. Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 6
Initiation and Planning Budget Project Cost Project Launch and Collaboration $152,000 Research and Needs Assessment $232,000 Technical Design $200,000 Total $584,000 Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 7
Deliverable Deadlines Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 8
Solution Overview Organizational Assessment Real-Time Data Pilot Assessing data, systems, infrastructure, process and people Producing recommended structures, process re-engineering, detailed business rules for development Establishing performance management metrics and processes Real-Time Data Pilot Establishing open-source solution to move live data from districts to state levels reports Solution will reflect state and local business needs and rules from organizational assessment Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 9
Risks, Issues, and Mitigation Strategies Description – Contracts not finalized by needed start date. Probability: low Impact: High Mitigation Strategy: Minimize impact by starting work without contractor. Contingency Plan: Use of PED and PED IT staff Risk 2 Description – Scope Changes Mitigation Strategy: Scope change will be managed to minimize negative impact and optimize benefit. Contingency Plan: Re-prioritize or delete tasks to complete the project within the timeframe and cost allotted. Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education 10