Focus on the Goal Vocab. Unit 14 By: Lacey Boles


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Presentation transcript:

Focus on the Goal Vocab. Unit 14 By: Lacey Boles in Ms. Wulchak’s class. Vocab. Unit 14 By: Lacey Boles

Beatific: (adj.) Blissful; rendering or making blessed During the awards ceremony, the Gold Medal winner had a positively beatific expression on his face. Olympic snowboarder Shaun White Synonyms: rapturous, ecstatic, transcendent Antonyms: dejected, doleful

Behemoth: (n.) A creature of enormous size, power or appearance The Loch Ness monster is a famous behemoth. Synonyms: mammoth, whale, elephant, colossus Antonyms: dwarf, midget

Blandishment: (n., often pl.) anything designed to flatter or coax; sweet talk, apple- polishing The queen was often influenced by subtle blandishment . Synonyms: allurement, enticement, cajolery Antonyms: threat, intimidation

Cacophonous: (adj.) harsh sounding, raucous, discordant, dissonant The scene opened with cacophonous laughter coming from three witches gathered around a steaming cauldron. Antonyms: harmonious, melodious, mellifluous

Chicanery: (n.) trickery, deceptive practices or tactics, double- dealing The accountants used legal chicanery to cover up the company’s shaky financial position. Antonyms: fair dealing

Consign: (v.) To give over to another’s care, charge, or control; to entrust, deliver; to set apart for a special use The ship’s captain consigned many duties to his trusted first mate. Synonyms: transfer, remit, convey A consignment shop

Coup: (coo– silent P) (n.) A highly successful stroke, masterstroke, tour de force, act, plan, or stratagem; a sudden takeover of power or leadership The surprise coup d'etat by high-ranking military officers toppled the weak government in a matter of hours. Antonyms: blunder, faux pas, gaffe

Euphemism: (n.) Mild or inoffensive expression used in place of a harsh or unpleasant one; a substitute Common euphemisms for die include the expressions pass away and go to the other side. sanitation engineer ---

Febrile: (adj.) feverish; fast-paced, pertaining to or marked by fever; frenetic The stock traders worked with febrile intensity. Antonyms: leisurely, relaxed

Gainsay: (v.) To deny, contradict, controvert; to dispute, oppose Many people wished to gainsay the conclusions of the U.S. Supreme Court in the matter of who won the presidential election in 2000. Antonyms: confirm, support, corroborate George Bush won over Al Gore when the Supreme Court ordered a stop to Florida’s recount of ballots.

Imminent: (Adj.) About to happen, threatening An imminent hurricane forced the islanders back to the mainland. Synonyms: impending, looming Antonyms: distant, remote, far away

Innate: (adj.) natural, inborn, inherent; built-in Musical excellence often comes from innate ability. Synonyms: intrinsic, congenital Antonyms: learned, acquired

Loath: (adj.) unwilling, reluctant, disinclined The boy was loath to do his chore of cleaning the toilet. Synonyms: averse, indisposed Antonyms: willing, eager, inclined

Manifest: (adj.) clear, evident to the eye or mind; (v.) to show plainly, exhibit, evince; (n.) a list of cargo and/or passengers It was manifest to many 19th century Americans that the nation was destined to extend to the Pacific Ocean. When the man began to manifest signs of hearing loss, he went to a specialist. The ship’s manifest lists African slaves being transported for sale—”Sold on the 19th of April 1825" lists the fifteen slaves and their sale price.. Synonyms: (adj.) apparent; (v.) reveal, disclose Antonyms: (adj.)hidden, unrevealed (v.) hide, conceal

Minutiae: (pl. n.) small or trivial details, trifling matters Because the researcher was too concerned with minutiae, she was unlikely to make an original discovery. Synonyms: trivia, trifles Antonyms: essentials

Moratorium: (n.) a suspension of activity; an official waiting period; an authorized period of delay The protest was held to influence politicians to have a moratorium on off- shore oil drilling. Synonyms: postponement, stoppage Antonyms: escalation, acceleration

Nostrum: (n.) an alleged cure-all; remedy or scheme of questionable effectiveness The Federal Food and Drug Administration was created, in part, to keep unsavory characters from peddling nostrums to the public. Synonyms: panacea, elixir

Pariah: (n.) one who is rejected by a social group or organization In most of the world today, those who are suffering from the disease of leprosy are no longer treated as pariahs. Synonyms: outcast, untouchable, persona non grata Leprosy was recognized in the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt and India. The first known written mention of leprosy is dated 600 BC. Throughout history, the afflicted have often been ostracized by their communities and families. Today it is curable with MDT provided free by the World Health Organization.

Visionary: (adj.) not practical, lacking in realism; having the nature of a fantasy or dream; (n.) one given to far-fetched ideas; a dreamer or seer characterized by vision or foresight Ideas that once were considered visionary often become widely accepted over time. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was a visionary whose dreams inspired the American civil rights movement. Synonyms: (adj.) utopian, idealist, impractical Antonyms: realistic, practical

Wizened: (adj., part.) dry, shrunken, and wrinkled (often as a result of aging) The wizened old woman walked with the aid of a cane. Synonyms: withered, shriveled, desiccated Antonyms: bloated, distended

Complaisant: (adj.) wanting to please and help others The gentlemen were very complaisant, wanting to help the community by having a market place. Antonyms: disagreeable, unhelpful, rude, surly

Replete: (adj.) filled to capacity, in abundance, rife, fraught, full of The student’s paper was replete with excellent research and well-written ideas. Antonyms: lacking, missing what’s needed, deficient