Scientific and Operational Context and Requirements for JCOMM Document 4.1 (3) Global Framework for Climate Services Maxx Dilley D/Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch Climate and Water Department, WMO JCOMM-5, 25-29 October, Geneva
Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (JCOMM-5-doc 4 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (JCOMM-5-doc 4.1(3)/1_GFCS-draft1_en) The overarching aim of this document is to facilitate and strengthen JCOMM contributions to the GFCS through some key activities and appropriate internal coordination. This document includes 1 proposed draft Decision 4.1(3)/1 — Contribution of JCOMM to GFCS; Decides to Develop an inventory of products and services reflecting marine aspects to be incorporated into the review of GFCS-relevant data and products led by Commission for Climatology (CCl); Support integration of JCOMM related data and products into Regional Climate Centres(RCC)/Regional Climate Outlook Forum (RCOF) operations; Develop activities to support WMO-coordinated operational seasonal climate information systems, and contribute to early warning of seasonal climate extremes associated with planetary-scale drivers such as ENSO;
Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (JCOMM-5-doc 4 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (JCOMM-5-doc 4.1(3)/1_GFCS-draft1_en) This document includes 1 proposed decision draft Decision 4.1(3)/1 — Contribution of JCOMM to GFCS; Agrees to Assist Members/Member States to improve operational systems and service delivery through better marine meteorological inputs; Support Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through the provision of observations, data and/or products and expertise that improves predictions for storm surges, coastal inundation and sea level changes; Support the inclusion of sea-ice products in the Arctic Polar Regional Climate Centre Network operations; (4) Promote the implementation of the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) being developed by JCOMM, to be an integral part of the Climate Services Information System (CSIS);
Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (JCOMM-5-doc 4 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) (JCOMM-5-doc 4.1(3)/1_GFCS-draft1_en) This document includes 1 proposed decision draft Decision 4.1(3)/1 — Contribution of JCOMM to GFCS; Requests the Co-Presidents to make appropriate arrangements within the JCOMM working structures to ensure: Internal coordination to facilitate JCOMM contributions to the GFCS; Verification of the ocean related indicators in the WMO Annual Statement on Climate; The above agreement related to the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) implementation in support of CSIS.