Together for sustained ocean observing and maritime services Dina Eparkhina, 23 May 2018, EuroGOOS General Assembly Special Session
marine and maritime end-users. EuroGOOS identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations are made in Europe’s seas underpinning a suite of fit-for-purpose products and services for marine and maritime end-users.
Over 100 organizations through direct membership and regional networks
Assembly Executive Directors Board Secretary General and EuroGOOS Office #EuroGOOS
From observations to information
Coordinate Catalyze
Sustained observations = sustained information DATA
Observations Who are the users? What do they need? What can the system offer? How can the system be improved? How can Europe support global goals?
Who are the users? What do they need? What can the system offer? How can the system be improved? How can Europe support global goals?
Regional systems collect and process data in RTD PRIORITIES EuroGOOS working groups COPERNICUS MARINE SERVICE Data assessment, quality control, products EMODnet Data discovery, download, interoperability National Data Centres Archiving, standards, services GEO, JCOMM, GOOS, EEA European data package to global initiatives EuroGOOS data Regional systems collect and process data in all European basins
EuroGOOS global physical data coverage - EMODnet portal and GOOS Regional Alliances
What’s in it for me??
Maltese boy Ben at Our Ocean 2017 Introduction to Ocean Class at Parisian School with Jake the Turtle Paul Rose, BBC, National Geographic Pristine Seas
EuroGOOS for Ocean Literacy Members platform to exchange materials and best practices Link local and international activities (IOC UNESCO, Our Ocean, World Oceans Day…) Links with industry Ocean literacy in European ocean observing; Enhance GOOS Regional Alliances capacity building Members invited to translate books into their national languages 2018 2016 2017 2017 2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2017
Where will EuroGOOS be presented next? May 2018, 2019 September 2019 November 2018 Spring 2019 July 2018 October 2018, 2019
How to engage? Where to find more info? Twitter @EuroGOOS