Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Question 1 Which of the following is a mental reason for taking part in physical activity? C Your friends do it To lose weight To relieve stress To improve fitness
Question 2 Meeting new people can be a ……… benefit of taking part in physical activity. A Social Physical Mental Aesthetic
Question 3 ‘A state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, not simply the absence of disease or infirmity’ is a definition of… D Performance Exercise Fitness Health
How well you work together How well a task is completed Question 4 Performance is… D How good you look How many you score How well you work together How well a task is completed
Cyclists in the Tour de France need to have very good… Question 5 Cyclists in the Tour de France need to have very good… B Flexibility Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Coordination
Cardiovascular Fitness Question 6 It is essential for a 100m sprinter to have good… C Muscular Endurance Cardiovascular Fitness Reaction Time Agility
Question 7 Coordination is… The ability to use two or more body parts together The ability to do two or more things at once The ability to change direction of the body quickly The ability to use your muscles without tiring
Body composition is important to sportspeople. Body composition is… Question 8 Body composition is important to sportspeople. Body composition is… B The percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone How much body fat you have Whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph The mass of bones, muscles, and organs
‘Having weight in excess of normal’ is a definition of…. Question 9 ‘Having weight in excess of normal’ is a definition of…. B Obesity Overweight Overfat Fat
Maintain energy stores Question 10 Carbohydrates are needed to… C Make muscles bigger Aid good vision Maintain energy stores Add bulk to food
It is essential to drink enough water to avoid… Question 11 It is essential to drink enough water to avoid… D Rehydration Hypothermia Hyperthermia Dehydration
Question 12 After injury or a heavy training session, it is important to eat plenty of this to help repair damaged tissue. Fat Carbohydrate Vitamins Protein
‘Endomorph’ is a somatotype characterised by… Question 13 ‘Endomorph’ is a somatotype characterised by… Fatness Thinness Muscularity Anorexia
Cardiovascular Fitness Question 14 ‘The ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time’ is… Muscular Endurance Cardiovascular Fitness Muscular Strength Resilience
Question 15 The …….. is a blood vessel which takes oxygenated blood away from the heart to the working muscles. Pulmonary Artery Vena Cava Aorta Pulmonary Vein
I Think the Answer is A A
I Think the Answer is B B
I Think the Answer is C C
I Think the Answer is D D
I Think the Answer is Don’t Know I’m not too sure
A B C D Audience A
A B C D Audience B
A B C D Audience C
Audience D A B C D
A B C D Audience Draw
You leave with nothing
You Leave with £1000
You Leave with £32,000
Won a Million