Computer Applications Bartlett Ninth Grade Academy Ms. Carfield Computer Applications Bartlett Ninth Grade Academy Hello and welcome to the Academy I am Ms. Carfield. I went to Union University for both my Bachelor’s in Economics and my Masters in Education. This is my 3rd year at Bartlett and my 10th year teaching. I love my job and am excited to have your student in my class this year.
Internet Safety/Etiquette The First thing we discuss in this class is internet safety and etiquette. A students’ digital footprint is made up of all the things they search and post online. The decisions they make regarding these posts can follow them throughout their life as many colleges and employers look at these. We discuss the importance of thinking before we post and making good choices in order to maintain a positive digital footprint
Research Students will learn the best techniques for doing research online. This will ensure they get the most relevant search results possible for the information they are seeking.
Keyboarding We will spend 10 minutes each day going through an online typing tutorial. Typing is an important skill for all students to learn as they will be using their laptops to type assignments throughout high school and state testing will be tested online soon. This is a skill they will more than likely use the rest of their lives.
Word Processing Program We will complete several business style documents in Microsoft Word including letters, brochures and resumes.
Presentation Software We will create a PowerPoint using every feature available which will serve to enhance student presentation projects in other classes as well
Spreadsheet Software We will use Excel to create and edit business spreadsheets and design a budget.
3-D Printing We have a 3-D printer in our classroom. Students will be able to see this machine in action and and discuss the future of this technology.
Website Search for “Bartlett Ninth Grade Academy” under “Schools” Under “About Us” you will find a staff directory with all teacher websites On my website you can find my syllabus and can email me from there with any questions or concerns.
Please check PowerSchool often to make sure your student is caught up on their assignments and that they are passing their classes.
I use Edmodo to send out almost all of my assignments I use Edmodo to send out almost all of my assignments. Students are able to see what the assignment is, when it is due, if they have turned it in or not, and their grade and any corrections that need to be made. They can communicate with me and their classmates at any time if they have a question. You can have them log into their account and add yourself to their page if you would like to follow along with what we are doing. If you need help being added to your student’s Edmodo page, Please feel free to contact me.