Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
Biography English lawyer, author, social philosopher, statesman, humanist. Opponent of Protestant Reformation. Advisor to King Henry VIII; opposed annulment of Henry’s marriage and separation from Catholic Church. Tried for treason, imprisoned and beheaded. Sainthood.
Utopia Novel written in Latin; published in 1516. Utopia = from Greek ou-topos (no place) or eu-topos (good place). Fictional traveler Raphael Hythlodeaus travels to imaginary island nation of Utopia; describes political system.
Utopia (cont.) Order in Utopia contrasts with social disorder in England in More’s time. Order created by: communal ownership of land, education for men and women, and religious toleration. Need for order vs. liberty. Beliefs as a humanist and political duties come into conflict.