Job Performance Requirement 15-10 Tying a Figure Eight on a Bight
is going to be placed over or around. A Start by forming a bight. The size of the bight needs to be relative to the object the finished loop is going to be placed over or around. JPR 15-10A
and the end of the working part are hanging out of B Grab both ropes so that the bight is hanging down from one side of your hand while the standing part and the end of the working part are hanging out of the opposite side of your hand. Basically you are forming a second bight of doubled ropes. JPR 15-10B
C Hold this bight out in front of you by the apex so that both sides (four parts of the same rope) of the bight are hanging parallel. JPR 15-10C
D Take the first bight and wrap it around the standing part from front to rear. JPR 15-10D
E After the bight comes around the standing part, you will have formed an eye. Now take the bight through the eye from rear to front. JPR 15-10E
F You have now formed an easy, reliable loop that will not slip F You have now formed an easy, reliable loop that will not slip. Do not forget to dress and set your knot and apply a safety with the end of the working end. JPR 15-10F