Preparing for Your First Day on the Job
Having a Good First Day Eat breakfast Plan ahead for the drive Dress for success Smile and be positive Greet everyone and introduce yourself Give 100% effort in everything you do Ask for advice
Dressing for the Job Be conservative Avoid bright flashy colors Be traditional Simple and minimal jewelry Clean, ironed clothes (if necessary)
Learning the Ropes Orientation What will you learn? Interactive training One on one Group What will you learn? Company’s mission and/or purpose How you fit into the mission Your exact job responsibilities What to do when you have questions When will you be evaluated What benefits you have and when you will receive them
Learning the Ropes Mentors Formal or informal Coworker who acts as a guide Learn the unwritten rules
Learning the Ropes Know the companies policies When will you be paid? How many sick days? Vacation days? Are there any health/safety procedures? Written and unwritten rules