Gymnosperms Angiosperms Ferns & Relatives Bryophytes
Angiosperm Facts Angiosperms have a unique reproductive organ called FLOWERS Many produce fruit = a wall of tissue surrounding a seed The seed leaves of plant embryos are called cotyledons Flowers that complete an entire life cycle within one growing season are called –annuals Most are pollinated by animals
Angiosperms Have vascular tissue Pollinated by wind but mostly by animals Flowers – evolutionary advance Contain reproductive structures Attract pollinators Ovary develops into protective fruit 2 groups: Monocots & Dicots
Monocots Monocots Cotoledons = 1 Root Type = Fibrous Stem Vascular Bundles = scattered Leaf Venation = parallel Flower Parts = in multiples of 3
Dicots Dicots Cotoledons = 2 Root Type = Tap Stem Vascular Bundles = Ring arrangement Leaf Venation = Branched Flower Parts = in multiples of 4 or 5