Grade 4.3 Reading Street Student Edition pgs. 378-391 How Night Came from the Sea A Story from Brazil Retold by: Mary-Joan Gerson Illustrated by: Carla Golembe Grade 4.3 Reading Street Student Edition pgs. 378-391
Team Talk Before reading…preview the title and illustrations to predict what the story’s about. With your elbow buddy…share and discuss your prediction. Teachers: Click to advance the definition of MYTH, after a class discussion.
With your elbow buddy…discuss what you know about myths. Team Talk With your elbow buddy…discuss what you know about myths. A myth is… An old story shared by word of mouth that often explains something that occurs in nature, such as thunder. Teachers: Click to advance the definition of MYTH, after a class discussion.
Vocabulary Book Sample My Vocab. Book Inside Teachers: Here’s an optional lesson to accompany the introduction of new vocabulary. On a large piece of construction paper, have the students fold the paper in half and complete two circle maps per page. (Front, 2 inside pages, and back.) They can either begin on the front page or inside. For fun, have them design a front cover. Back
Discovering Vocabulary For each vocabulary word, complete your own circle map. Page number from the text, on where you found the word. Definition chorus Teachers: On a large piece of construction paper, have the students fold the paper in half and complete two circle maps per page. (Front, 2 inside pages and back.) They can either begin on the front page or inside. For fun, have them design a front cover. Using the word in your own sentence. Illustration
Discovering Vocabulary EXAMPLE: Singers or speakers who perform as a group. Pg. # chorus The chorus performed at the school assembly.
Selection Vocabulary: brilliant chorus coward gleamed shimmering Click PLAY when you’re ready for a review!
Shining brightly, sparkling brillant Shining brightly, sparkling
Singers or speakers who perform as a group. chorus Singers or speakers who perform as a group.
Person who lacks courage or is easily made afraid. coward Person who lacks courage or is easily made afraid.
Flashed or beamed with light. gleamed Flashed or beamed with light.
Gleaming or shining with a flickering light. shimmering Gleaming or shining with a flickering light.
Now, try a vocabulary review!
What words did you discover? Vocabulary Words Fill in the Blank While admiring the night sky, the bright moon light __________ down towards my face. brilliant chorus coward gleamed shimmering Teachers: Try the following slides as a vocabulary review. The buttons are linked to the correct choice and/or a try again slide. 14
What words did you discover? Vocabulary Words Fill in the Blank After the wave reached the coast, the water began ___________ on the sand…as it went back out to sea. brilliant chorus coward gleamed shimmering Teachers: Try the following slides as a vocabulary review. The buttons are linked to the correct choice and/or a try again slide. 16
What words did you discover? Vocabulary Words Fill in the Blank I felt like a _________ , while walking through the rainforest in the middle of the night. brilliant chorus coward gleamed shimmering Teachers: Try the following slides as a vocabulary review. The buttons are linked to the correct choice and/or a try again slide. 18
What words did you discover? Vocabulary Words Fill in the Blank The toucan’s _________ colors stood out from all the rest. brilliant chorus coward gleamed shimmering Teachers: Try the following slides as a vocabulary review. The buttons are linked to the correct choice and/or a try again slide. 20
What words did you discover? Vocabulary Words Fill in the Blank After the _________ concert , the audience applauded with glee. brilliant chorus coward gleamed shimmering Teachers: Try the following slides as a vocabulary review. The buttons are linked to the correct choice and/or a try again slide. 22
gleamed While admiring the night sky, the bright moon light gleamed down towards my face.
shimmering After the wave reached the coast, the water began shimmering on the sand…as it went back out to sea.
coward I felt like a coward, while walking through the rainforest in the middle of the night.
brilliant The toucan’s brilliant colors stood out from all the rest.
chorus After the chorus concert , the audience applauded with glee.
I hope you enjoy reading…