WP1 Integrated Strategic Research Agenda (ISRA) ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting 27-28 October 2016, Rome, Italy WP1 Integrated Strategic Research Agenda (ISRA) Marina MONTEDORO and Serenella PULIGA (MiPAAF, Italy)
ISRA process: state of the art The ARIMNET2 strategic document, ISRA, has been approved by GB in the last few months. It is now time to inform all the stakeholders about the work done, through a deep ISRA dissemination. Dissemination at the time begin: 23th June 2016: the 1st public ISRA smart presentation has been done at the SCAR Plenary (by Egizio Valgeschini); 12-13th October 2016: the 1st ISRA printed version has been circulated during last AKIS meeting.
Dissemination strategy It is crucial to ensure the maximum diffusion of the ISRA in the Mediterranean Area, as well at the European and global levels. The dissemination goal is thus to ensure a broad and efficient dissemination of the ISRA’s objectives, scope and content among scientists and stakeholders from the Mediterranean Region, to foster joint efforts towards common research, development and innovation goals. At the beginning of June 2016, WP1 and Coordinator circulated the draft of “ISRA dissemination strategy”. Dead-line for comment: 30th June 2016 No feedback from GB members.
Any other GB suggestions?.... ISRA target audience ARIMNet2 actors (Governing Board (GB) and the Institute/Public Administration they represent, Scientific and Strategic Advisory Board); Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR - EU); Other initiatives related to the Mediterranean Area (Euromed, FACCE JPI, CSA 4 PRIMA, etc.); Research groups involved in projects financed by ARIMNet and ARIMNet2; Technology platforms and other hubs; The scientific communities, farmers’ associations at national and international levels; Policy makers: EC, other EU bodies, national governments; FAO. Any other GB suggestions?....
Responsible for the ISRA WP 1 Leader; Coordinator; GB members through their National ISRA Dissemination Representatives (NIDR); SSAB members. NIDR: is responsible for raising awareness of the ISRA content among relevant local stakeholders (scientists, policy makers, research funders, civil society representatives, etc.). GB members are invited to appoint one member as NIDR (tour the table).
Actions for dissemination Who Press release in EN WP 1 Press release traslation in all the ArimNet Countries languages GB members Press release distribution at national level List of relevant stakeholders Publishing on ARIMNet2 official website and Institutions/Ministries website Coordinator + GB members Official presentation letter WP1 + Coordinator List of relevant EU and international working-level meetings, scientific events and policy events Coordinator + GB members + SSAB List of conferences, workshops, symposia, open days, fairs, etc. Coordinator + GB members + SSAB + Arimnet founded projects coordinators Flyer and a roll up that summarise the ISRA key-points
www.arimnet2.net Thank you!