GRAND SLAM March 21, 2018 5th grade Reading STAAR Sim
2017 Benignus STAAR Data: Approaches-83% Meets-60% Masters- 38% STAAR Sim 2017 Benignus STAAR Data: Approaches-83% Meets-60% Masters- 38% What stands out to you?
Individual Student Responses- R2, Robot Astronaut
Individual Student Responses- Pucker-up Time in Eau Claire/ Cherry Very
Individual Student Responses- An All-Star Inspiration
Individual Student Responses- Lewis and Clark and Me: A Dog’s Tale
Individual Student Responses- The Making of a Bat
SPED by TEK How are we addressing these students who may have 0% in a whole TEK?
Strengths and Weaknesses 2018 students outperformed 2017 on same test Using text features to find information #4 Subpops GT- 100% Mastery AA- 80% Approaches Hispanics- 82% Summarizing a section of article #5 Summarizing a section of story #29 5.2 A and 5.2E- Latin and Greek roots, and dictionary skills) #8 & 20 5.10A- Author’s Purpose (#1 & 6) 5.8- Sensory Language (#31) Theme #23 Inference #25 Stamina for the last article
What Now? Please visit for Instructional strategies (under Resources tab). Focus: Make the Case Rock and Roll Review
Make the Case
Rock and Roll Review