Reading into Life Developed by Gerry Bishop-Ford and Amy Mundell Life into Reading
Reading Skills help kid save friend having reaction to Nutella Ransom Duel, a boy seven years old, lives in Salem, Oregon. He saved his friends life by reading the label on the jar of Nutella. When he realized his friend was having an allergic reaction to the tree nuts in the chocolate, he went to get a teacher who was able to give Moore (the friend) the life-saving medicine. Proof that Reading into Life exists.
Reading is a pathway, and there are many reasons to read. You can learn to read recipes like Amelia Bedelia. Get into character and make a recipe together. You can read a menu and place an order. Make a menu for your dinner
Thinking about getting a pet. Read Care Instructions for Pets. Discuss it. Ask: Are there problems? Reading Clifford the Dog?
You can open your eyes to information on the computer.
Websites You can Visit Learning Games for Kids PBS Kids Fun Brain Vocabulary Spelling City Starfall Vocabulary
Now, you can read to learn and play.
Later, you can use your reading skills to look for a job on the internet. You will be able to read the information on screen at your job.
By reading the directions, you can really go places. When you grow up, reading can put you in the drivers seat for going places. You can read the drivers manual. You can read the street signs. You can read the GPS. You can read a map.
You can begin by reading to your child and demonstrating concepts of print: Modeling Next, you and your child might want to share reading and do some activities together: Guided Later, you might want to know what your child is reading on their own: Independence Reading into Life
What can we do when a child is young? Hickory Dickory Dock Humpty Dumpty -activity model Three Blind Mice Hey Diddle Diddle Little Boy Blue Little Miss Muffet When young, parents can read to their children to help them see that reading can be enjoyed. (Learning the concepts of print) Rhymes can be made fun when you leave off the ending and let them guess. -- Predicting You can play a game with cards (rhyme cards)
Whats Cooking, Amelia? You have a Reading Menu of activities Alphabet Letters Alphabet Soup You can read the contents of the package with your child. You can read recipes with a child.
Make words, rhymes, and sentences together. You can draw and paint a picture to match (Now, you are the author and the illustrator.
You can look at Caldecott books together. Some Winning Titles : Lon Po Po: A Red –Riding Hood Story from China Black and White Tuesday Mirette on the High Wire Grandfathers Journey Smoky Night Officer Buckle and Gloria Golem Rapunzel Snowflake Bentley Joseph Had a Little Overcoat So You Want to Be President? You can find others at the Caldecott Medal Home Page or Wikipedia
Lets Laugh Out Loud Read comics together. Make your own comics together
Reading can take you into an imaginary land.
You can bring a little magic to reading Use a fortune cookie and stick it in a pocket Make a little note Cut out a strip from a comic strip Dress in character and role play Read a book that has magic: Moonlight Animals Make a mystery by setting the clues around the house Map it out using direction words like go left, North, by the door, etc.
Reading can help you learn answers to questions.
Review and Share your ideas? Take a minute now to look over the brochure. You might jot down some ideas or questions. Reading Menu has many ideas for you to share with your child.
What would you like to Read? You might want to ask: Higher interest is easier to read and remember. What type of stories do you like? Fantasy Non-Fiction Comical Mysteries What topics do you like? Animals Cooking Travel Jokes Inventions Presidents
Reading Aloud Make Words Shared Reading Reading Alone Apply Reading
By reading, we can bring the world to us.