Clusters: September 11th
Ticket In Highlight Proficiency levels on ELA and Math Galileo -Pink Minimally Proficient (MP) -Yellow Partially Proficient (PP) -Green Proficient (P) -Blue Highly Proficient (HP)
Preview of Lesson Objective/Tap Connection Teacher Knowledge of Students -Analyze Galileo and DIBELS data Grouping -Analyze type of grouping -My misconception (video) How do I enhance student learning/ensure mastery for students who have gaps? -Pinpointing grade level gaps Closure and Reflection -Ticket Out
Learning Target: By the end of Clusters, teachers will be able to design differentiated instructional groups by analyzing student data AND create plan to enhance student learning.
TAP Connection Grouping Students Instructional grouping arrangements (either whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals; hetero- or homogeneous ability) adequately enhance student understanding and learning efficiency Teacher Knowledge of Students Teacher sometimes provides differentiated instructional methods and content to ensure children have the opportunity to master what is being taught
Knowledge of Students What do I know about my students and their learning? Individually: Use Galileo Data to identify student understanding of ELA and Math
How did you group your students? Instructional grouping arrangements (either whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals; hetero- or homogeneous ability) adequately enhance student understanding and learning efficiency
How does the owner group kittens? Instructional grouping arrangements (either whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals; hetero- or homogeneous ability) adequately enhance student understanding and learning efficiency
My Misconception Grouping isn’t just about putting students in small group, whole group, individual Enhance student understanding and learning Instructional grouping arrangements (either whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals; hetero- or homogeneous ability) adequately enhance student understanding and learning efficiency
Now that I know… Think back to Essential Standard of Fluency *Does this grouping tell you specifically what standards/objective help students move to proficiency? *Does this grouping tell you specifically what standards to teach to fill in gaps?
If there is gaps, then where do I start? Group Discussion What specific grade level is your minimally proficient students performing at? DRA Learning A-Z Benchmark TAI DIBELS Math
Enhance Student Learning Using your MP group, find out what specific grade level students are reading fluently. Next week Cluster will be the gift of time for Math Night. The following week will look at Activities and Materials to enhance student learning at their level.
Homework What specific grade level is your minimally proficient students working at?