Internet Ordering Change
Log on -Open an internet browser. Type the following URL in the address bar. -Type in your user ID and password -Click Login Note -If you forget your password click “Forgot your password” -If you forget your ID you need to contact your bank administrator or your local Loomis Fargo branch.
Application Center Click on the link you wish to access. -ICO: Internet Change Orders -My Identity: Manage your user info
My Identity Click on the link you wish to access. -Modify your profile -Change your password -Change your password hint
My Profile -Update your first name, last name, full name, or email. -Click Save
Change your Password -To change your password enter your old password -Enter a new password -Retype the new password for verification
Change My Password Hint This information will be used to retrieve your password in the event that you forget it and can not log in. -Choose a secret question from the drop down list -Type in the answer -Retype the answer for verification -Click Save
Choose Group -Choose the group/profile you would like to access Note -This screen only comes up if you have access to more than one group/profile
ICO Home -Click on an option from the menu on the left side of the screen. -Order Entry -Edit Order -Reports -Shipment Entry -Edit Shipment -Logoff
Order Entry -If you have access to multiple locations click the location dropdown box to choose one -Type in the amounts by denomination to place your order -Click View Order -If you have exceeded your order limit, a warning message will appear. Note-If you do not have the correct ordering options please contact your bank administrator or your local Loomis Fargo branch.
Order Review -Review your order -Click back to adjust your order or click submit order to continue.
Order Confirmation -Your order has been submitted to your administrator for approval, or to Loomis Fargo for importing. -Print your confirmation or record your reference number
Reports -On the Change Order Reports, default date is the delivery date -On the Fed Overview Report, default date is the day the money will be picked up from the FRB. -When you select Reports from the menu on the left you get this screen -Choose a report at the top of the screen from the drop down box -If you have previously saved a report you can select that report from the drop down box -Choose your run report by date (see descriptions below) -Put in a date or a date range -You can enter additional criteria in the fields below to narrow your search even more. -Either a name in the Saved Report Name file and click Save report or click View Report Report Titles
Reports -From here you can view or print the report. A report provides detailed information about orders that have been placed. It provides totals by order, location, date, inventory, fed, and grand total. -From here you can view or print the report. -Click Search Criteria to pull another report or update this report criteria
When you log out you will get this screen Additional Screens You will get this warning message every 45 days when your password is going to expire. Change it soon. When you log out you will get this screen If you have more than 3 failed attempts to log in you will be locked out and get this screen. You will need to contact your bank administrator or your local Loomis Fargo branch to reset it. When you log in the first time you will be asked to create a new password using this screen.
Additional Screens If you forget your password you will be asked to enter the answer to your secret question. If you try to log in and do not have access to ICO you will get this message.