Temperate Forests Tyler McNamara
Geography Found between 300 and 550 latitude Majority found between 400 and 500 latitude
Distribution Map
Climate : Temperature Four seasons Summer mean of 210 C 100 C all year mean Below freezing winters
Climate : Precipitation Range from 650 mm to 3000 mm annually
Climate : Deciduous Temperate Dominate most temperate forests Growing season is at least 4-month long and moist Winters last 3 to 4 months Relatively mild winters
Climate : Coniferous Temperate More Severe winters Harsh, dry summers Most precipitation in fall, winter and spring. Summer Droughts Any deciduous trees present are restricted to streamside locations
Climate : Coniferous Temperate
Biology Great biomass Can be as large as or larger than tropical forests Vertically stratified : Herb layer, Shrubs, Understory and Canopy. Highly important fungi and bacteria as decomposers.
Human Influence Cleared for cities Cleared for agriculture Cleared for lumber Small amount of old-growth forests left.
Slash and Burn