Jeopardy Review Nature of Science
100 200 300 400 500 Problem Solving Anything Fact or Not Testing ? ? Final Jeopardy ?
Problem Solving 100 An educated guess that can be tested
Problem Solving 100 Hypothesis
Problem Solving 200 Gathering information and testing hypotheses are examples of problem-solving procedures called
Problem Solving 200 Scientific Method
Problem Solving 300 The first step of the scientific process to solve a problem is
Problem Solving 300 Identify the Problem
List the steps of the scientific process in order Problem Solving 400 List the steps of the scientific process in order
Problem Solving 400 Identify the Problem Research Hypothesis Experiment Analyze the Results Conclusion Repeat
Problem Solving 500 Making observations is part of what step in the scientific process
Gathering Information Problem Solving 500 Gathering Information
Study of Earth and Space Anything 100 Study of Earth and Space
Anything 100 Earth Science
Anything 200 The use of scientific discoveries to make products or tools
Anything 200 Technology
Anything 300 observing, studying, and thinking about things to gain knowledge is called
Anything 300 Science
Anything 400 Scientific tool that can be applied to new situations is called
Transferable Technology Anything 400 Transferable Technology
Anything 500 Newton’s Observations about motion are examples of Scientific
Anything 500 Law
The number of variables that can be in any experiment is Testing 100 The number of variables that can be in any experiment is
Testing 100 1
Standard to which experimental results are compared Testing 200 Standard to which experimental results are compared
Testing 200 Control
Variables that do not change in an experiment Testing 300 Variables that do not change in an experiment
Testing 300 Constants
A variable that can change in an experiment Testing 400 A variable that can change in an experiment
Testing 400 Independent Variable
The part of the experiment that we measure is called the Testing 500 The part of the experiment that we measure is called the
Testing 500 Dependent Variable
Newton’s Observations about motion are examples of Scientific People and Things 100 Newton’s Observations about motion are examples of Scientific
People and Things 100 Law
Who was the first American to suggest that weather could be predicted People and Things 200 Who was the first American to suggest that weather could be predicted
People and Things 200 Benjamin Franklin
People and Things 300 What is the most important factor in the swing of a pendulum
People and Things 300 Length
What does NOAA stand for People and Things 400 What does NOAA stand for
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration People and Things 400 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
People and Things 500 In 1850, Joseph Henry, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, started drawing
People and Things 500 Weather Maps
Rule that describes behavior of something in Nature Fact or Not 100 Rule that describes behavior of something in Nature
Fact or Not 100 Law
Deals with Morals and Values Fact or Not 200 Deals with Morals and Values
Fact or Not 200 Ethics
An Explanation backed by results from repeated testing Fact or Not 300 An Explanation backed by results from repeated testing
Fact or Not 300 Theory
Fact or Not 400 A personal opinion
Fact or Not 400 Bias
Fact or Not 500 The opposite of ethical behavior in science, which includes making up data, changing results, or taking credit for the work of others
Fact or Not 500 Fraud
Final Jeopardy Pendulum
How do you make a pendulum swing more (Faster)
Shorten the length of the pendulum
Final Jeopardy Waves
Sound Waves are examples of this type of wave
Waves Mechanical
Final Jeopardy People in Space
Who was the first American to orbit the Earth People in Space Who was the first American to orbit the Earth
People in Space John Glenn